The Synod on Synodality has concluded, and the journey continues. Join the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, key ecclesial leaders, and other partners in mission who are committed to building a synodal Church. We invite you to participate in exploring the transformative power of synodality and prepare for the vital work ahead of remodeling the Church. Everyone is welcome.Your seat at the table is here.
Join us at the Santa Clara University Mission Campus as we:
- Explore the vibrant hope of synodality: Learn about its transformative power within local ecclesial contexts around the world and discern your place of action in mission at home.
- Engage in meaningful conversations: Share your perspectives and listen to others at the roundtable using the Conversations in the Spirit model.
- Hear from esteemed leaders: Join a conversation with Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Synod, and other key figures.
- Experience a community of prayer and fellowship: Come together at the table for Eucharistic liturgy and shared meals.
Schedule for Together at the Table
Toward A Humble, Prayerful, Listening Church
The theme of “synodality,” implies a common space of listening, dialogue, and prayerful discernment. It is a new way of being Church. Time and again, Pope Francis has reminded us that the most important protagonist in this synodal journey is the Holy Spirit, just as the most important disposition is a prayerful and respectful openness to what the Spirit is saying to the Church as a global community of discernment. Toward this end, the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University is facilitating a series of synod-inspired conversations and events in partnership with our students, faculty, staff, and broader communities. Join us as we ask the Spirit to form us into a prayerful, humble, and listening Church.
Synodal Moments II
Join us for two online conversations that follow up on last year’s series and lead up to the international gathering at Santa Clara University on April 4th, 2025, “Together at the Table.” Hosted by Santa Clara University's Jesuit School of Theology and Division of Mission and Ministry, each synodal moment will feature a unique view of the Synod on Synodality and explore ways of inspiring synodal action. Please visit the event web page to learn more and to register.
Synodal Journey Flyer
Event Recordings
- 1/23 | 4:30PM | The Future of a Listening Church: A Conversation with Dean Orobator, S.J. | In partnership with the Division of Mission and Ministry | In-person | Watch recording
- Full schedule of Synodal Journey Events.
- "Towards a Prayerful, Humble, and Listening Church" by Dean Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, S.J.
- "A feast of words and a feast of encounters between people from every corner of the Church" by Dean Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, S.J.
- "A Risky, Hospitable Synod is Fine" by Dean Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ
- "The synod ends but nothing is finalized" episode of "Inside the Vatican" and a short article with Dean Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, S.J.
- "The Synod and after - the conversation continues" by Associate Dean Julie Hanlon Rubio
- "The Holy Spirit: The most misunderstood person of the Trinity?" a podcast interview with Associate Professor Christopher Hadley, S.J.
- "God is no Rubik's Cube" Dean Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, S.J. on the importance of listening in the synodal process.