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JST Spiritual Community

At important moments in our lives, we set aside time to give thanks to God for the joys of milestones, help received in reaching goals, and God's promised strength for the challenges ahead. We do this best when we celebrate the Eucharist. Liturgical prayer is a traditional means of carrying out integral formation in the Roman Catholic tradition.

Join us for Mass at 8:00am (Tuesdays-Saturdays) and 5:15pm (Tuesdays-Fridays).

Tuesday Mass & Solidarity Supper:

Each Tuesday evening of the academic year, the JST community gathers together for Eucharist at 5:15 pm. We gather to bless and praise God and to pray for the life of the world. We pray to the extent that we understand, experience, and embrace our identity as the Body of Christ - the Church.

All are invited to serve as Liturgical Ministers of the Word, Communion, Music, Movement, Bread Baking, and Hospitality. There are opportunities to assist in creating the environment of Gesù Chapel to reflect the liturgical season and deepen the praying heart of community.  If you are interested in serving in this way, please contact Stephen Szolosi at

After Tuesday evening liturgy, join the JST community for Solidarity Suppers including various presentations or opportunities for conversation.

Visit our Spiritual Direction page for information about how to find a spiritual director.

Faith sharing has taken various forms over the years, but the key intent is to gather students in small groups to talk about their experience of God and their journey in faith. Groups are coordinated in several venues. The Director of the JST Renewal Program, Paul Kircher, organizes groups designed specifically for sabbatical students. If you are interested in starting a group, please contact Stephen Szolosi. Information regarding faith sharing opportunities is distributed throughout the year. 

For Jesuits and those lay students who choose to live in a  Lay Intentional Community, faith sharing usually occurs in the small living communities as well.

Retreat Days (Days of Prayer) are offered during Advent and Lent.

SCU Campus Ministry Retreat Opportunities: JST students are welcome to participate in several graduate student retreats offered by SCU. You will receive details for these in the Magis.

Connect with additional Ignatian retreat resources and explore retreat centers in Bay Area as well.