Welcome to the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (JST-SCU). Here at JST, you will study and grow in an international community engaged in theological inquiry, pastoral formation, and professional and spiritual renewal. We are women and men; lay and religious; Roman Catholics and persons of other religious traditions. Diverse in charism and cultural identity, we are united in our shared commitment to honor and learn from each other.
As you engage in your academic pursuits, you will find accompanying support through our office which has as its mission the fruitful formation of your whole self. The Office of Student and Community Life:
- Tends to student welfare, ensuring that students have access to university resources for their health and well-being in support of their learning goals.
- Coordinates with SCU offices in ensuring delivery of key student services, including student health insurance, disabilities resources, international student services, medical care and counseling services at the SCU Cowell Center;
- Cultivates the community life of the school, including social gatherings and celebrations and co-curricular offerings such as Tuesday evening presentations and lectures;
- Serves as liaison between students and administration, representing students’ needs among administrators, and communicating school policies to students;
- Oversees the lay intentional living community as an important formation resource for lay students and as a vital presence within the fabric of school community life;
- Oversees delivery of career advising to lay students; and
- Tends to any issues of student conduct so as to uphold the values of the school community.
As members of the Graduate Theological Union, we strive for ecumenical and interfaith understanding along with our fellow schools in the consortium. As a graduate school of Santa Clara University, we explore the intersection of theology with other disciplines and participate fully in the life of the University.
Please reach out to our team should you seek support to access the myriad of resources here at JST, GTU or SCU. We also have some information about Student Support Services here.