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Charissa Jaeger-Sanders

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Since Spring 2020, I have been a Ph.D. Student at the Graduate Theological Union. As an ordained United Methodist clergyperson, emerging scholar-practitioner, and comparative theologian, I work at the intersections of Wesleyan theology and Hindu Śākta thealogy, am in dialogue with the natural sciences, and seek to understand better the Divine relationship with materiality and the theodicean implications, with a keen awareness in how one’s theology impacts one’s understanding of evil and suffering in the world. My training as a visual artist enables me to not only see the world around me in extraordinary and innovative ways but also to articulate my theology creatively. I have served as a Writing Coach for JST since Fall 2021.  Before that, I was a writing coach for Smarthinking, a subsidiary of Pearson.  

In undergrad, I had the privilege of embarking on three different study abroad experiences, two of which were in countries where my mother tongue was not spoken.  These experiences have given me profound empathy and compassion for what it means to live and study in a country where one’s native language is not spoken.  It is a wondrous yet exhausting experience; it is full of both joy and challenges.

I also serve as a yoga instructor and yoga chaplain. In addition to my love of writing, yoga, and the arts, I delight in traveling and going on adventures, eating delicious food, going to the beach, and spending quality time with family and friends.