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International Fellows Initiative

Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (JST-SCU)

The International Fellowship Initiative (IFI) is a work of the Jesuit Conference of the United States and Canada and the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley (JST-SCU). In its history, the IFI has hosted over 80 scholars from over 30 different countries including China, India, Malaysia, Poland, Chile, and Turkey. The IFI hosts postdoctoral international scholars for one or two semesters at JST-SCU. The IFI provides scholars with space, time, and resources to complete the work set forth in their fellowship proposal. Fellows at JST-SCU benefit from the opportunity to spend time carrying out a research project with access to the prestigious Flora Hansen Hewitt Library at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA, (GTU) as well as the libraries of Santa Clara University and the University of California at Berkeley (UCB). 


The International Visiting Fellows Program was first established in 1997 with an annual grant from an anonymous donor for the purpose of providing research fellowships to scholars from countries other than the United States. Upon its establishment, the program was named the Woodstock Visiting Fellowship Program and it was affiliated with the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. In 2014, the program was taken over by the Jesuit Conference in the United States and Canada and relocated to two locations: the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (Berkeley Campus) and Boston College. Beginning in 2024, the program will be located at JST-SCU.

Applications for 2025-202 are due January 15, 2025.


Contact Information

Julie Hanlon Rubio
Shea-Heusaman Professor of Christian Social Ethics
Associate Dean
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University

IFI Details

Program Opportunities

Fellows commit to spending their time conducting research and writing on a proposed project. Opportunities include: 

  • Sharing and dialoguing about one's research with faculty
  • Being a guest presenter in a course relevant to one's research
  • and / or giving a public lecture 

Fellows file reports on their activities at the end of the fellowship, which are sent to the Jesuit Conference. 

Length of Fellowship

Fellowships can be for one semester (fall or spring) or two semesters (fall and spring).


International Jesuits, other vowed religious, diocesan priests, and lay scholars are eligible to apply. Each applicant must hold a doctorate in a field relevant to theological studies and be fluent in English. 

Financial Information

Each fellow is provided with a monthly spending stipend (subject to applicable taxes) for housing, health insurance, and other expenses; use of a computer and printer; and reimbursement for the cost of economy round-trip airfare to and from the Fellow's home country.