Fr. George teaches prayer and spiritual direction courses at JST. He carries with him extensive experience, first as a college chaplain at Boston College and then as a retreat giver and spiritual director for lay people and religious people. He served as Director of Novices for the New England Province Jesuits and as Rector of the Jesuit Community in Berkeley. As Director of Spiritual Formation, Fr. George is responsible for providing spiritual directors, days of prayer, introductions to Ignatian prayer and retreat opportunities, as well as offering spiritual direction.
He has published articles on prayer and formation in Human Development, The Way, and Review for Religious. Since 1991 he has co-directed with Sr. Jane Ferdon, O.P. the Summer Practicum in Spiritual Direction. He has directed workshops and retreats on prayer and spiritual direction in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, and Belgium.
Fr. George is especially interested in formation for collaborative ministry and the ways God is preparing future ministers and renewing experienced ones.
SP 2492: Experiments in Prayer and Meditation
SP 2495: Spiritual Direction Practicum (with Jane Ferdon, O.P., D.Min.)
- With Jane Ferdon, O.P., D.Min.,"Transitions: Holy and Unholy Dark," in Review for Religious, 1994
- Finding the Missing God," in Human Development, Summer 1990
- "Candidates and Community: Mutual Formation," in The Way supplement, 1988
- "Formation of Apostolic Religious," in Human Development, Winter 1988
- "Resistance to Social Justice," in Review for Religious, 1978