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Mary E. McGann, R.S.C.J., Ph.D.

Alt text: Mary E. McGann, R.S.C.J., Ph.D., smiling in a blue jacket.
Mary E. McGann
Adjunct Associate Professor of Liturgical Studies

Mary McGann, R.S.C.J., joined the JST faculty as Adjunct Associate Professor of Liturgical Studies in the Spring of 2015, after teaching at the Franciscan School of Theology (formerly of the GTU) from 1996-2014. She is a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union, where she served as Chair of the Department of Religion and Practice from 2014-2018. 

Dr. McGann holds degrees in liturgical studies and music/ethnomusicology, and has done ethnographic research into music performance in African American Catholic worship. She is the author of four books, several book chapters and articles. Her most recent book, The Meal That Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis, was awarded first place in the category of Catholic Social Teaching from the Catholic Media Association in June, 2021.

 Dr. McGann's current research focuses on global ecological challenges, especially those to fresh water and food, and how these challenges intersect Christian sacramental practices of Baptism and Eucharist. She chairs the Laudato Si Action Platform Committee at the Jesuit School of Theology, engaging with colleagues and students in creating pathways to greater sustainability in the life, learning and outreach of the school. Most recently, she helped design the “JST Lenten ‘Laudate Deum’ Pledge” as a communal Lenten commitment to action addressing climate change.  She has participated in the University of Santa Clara’s “Sustainability across the curriculum” program as well as the Ignatian Pedagogy for Sustainability initiative across several Jesuit Universities. As a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy, she initiated the NAAL’s Ecology and Liturgy Seminar in 2009. 

In Spring, 2021, Professor McGann was awarded the Graduate Theological Union’s “Excellence in Teaching” award. Her current courses include Food, Justice and Eucharistic Eating; Ecology and Liturgy; Lay Presiding; Inculturation and Liturgy, and Spirituality of the Earth.


  • Food, Justice and Eucharistic Eating
  • Spirituality of the Earth 
  • Ecology and Liturgy 
  • Inculturation and Liturgy
  • Liturgical Preparation and Lay Presiding
  • “How Food Choices are Shaping the Future of the Planet,” January 17, 2024, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, DC
  • “Food Choices Matter:  How what you eat affects, others, and the environment.” November 13, 2024. Center for our Common Home, Reston , VA,  and Catholic Climate Covenant.
  • “The Contribution of Plant Based Eating to Intersectional Food Justice,” November 6, 2023, Sisters’ of Charity of NY and NJ, Ecospirituality Network. 
  • “Bringing the Food System Home,” October 18, 2023, School of the Madeleine, St. Mary Madeleine Parish, Berkeley, CA. 


  • The Meal That Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2020.
  • Let It Shine! The Emergence of African American Catholic Liturgy. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008 (with contributions from Eva Marie Lumas, S.S.S. and Ronald D. Harbor).
  • A Precious Fountain: Music in the Worship of an African American Catholic Community. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2004.
  • Exploring Music as Worship and Theology: Research in Liturgical Practice. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2002.
Book Chapters, Articles
  • “Eucharist: Longing for the Bread of Justice.” God in the Natural World: Theological Explorations in Appreciation of Denis Edwards, Ted Peters and Marie Turner, eds. Brompton, SA (Australia): ATF Press, 2020.
  • “Troubled Waters, Troubling Initiation Rites.” Full of Your Glory: Liturgy, Cosmos, Creation, Teresa Berger, ed. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2019.
  • "Committed to Earth"s Waters For Life: Baptism in a Time of Global Water Crisis." Drenched in Grace, Lizette Larson Miller and Walt Knowles, eds. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Press, 2013.
  • "Making Vital Connections: Developing Creational Consciousness in Life and Worship." Liturgy (Spring, 2012).
  • "Liturgical-Musical Ethnography: Challenges and Promise," Jaarboek vor Liturgie-Onderzoek, Tillburg, Netherlands, Deel 26, 2010.
  • "Teaching Rites Ritually," in Teaching Ritual, Catherine Bell, ed. AAR"s Teaching Theology series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • "Timely Wisdom, Prophetic Challenge: Rediscovering Clarence R.J. Rivers" Vision of Effective Worship," Worship 76:1 (January, 2002) 2-24.
  • "The Emergence of African American Catholic Worship," co-authored with Eva Marie Lumas, U.S. Catholic Historian, 2:10 (Spring, 2001) 27-65.
  • "Hymn and Anaphora in Early Christian Liturgy," Ecclesia Orans, 17:3 (2000) 407-443.
(510) 549-5000
Office hours by appointment, room 210