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Christopher M. Hadley, S.J.

Christopher Hadley, SJ
Christopher M. Hadley
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology

Fr. Hadley came to JST in the Fall Semester of 2016 from a post-doctoral research fellowship at the Lonergan Research Institute at Regis College of the University of Toronto. He currently directs the Master of Divinity Program and serves on the Core Doctoral Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union. His work for his Ph.D from Marquette University in Milwaukee (2015) was on the trinitarian theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, resulting in his book, A Symphony of Distances (2022). His theological interests are in topics related to ancient and modern trinitarian theology, Christology, pneumatology, and the theology of priesthood in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions. He also taught in the Philosophy Department of Gonzaga University as part of his Jesuit regency program. He has priestly faculties in both the Latin and Byzantine rites and serves in the Roman Catholic Dioceses of Oakland and San Francisco and the Melkite Greek Catholic Eparchy of the US.

  • Theology & Spirituality of Priesthood
  • Theological Aesthetics, the Cross, and Race
  • Theological Methods
  • Holy Spirit, Prayer, and Trauma
  • Systematic Theology
  • A Symphony of Distances: Patristic, Modern, and Gendered Dimensions of Balthasar’s Trinitarian Theology. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2022.
  • Co-Authored with Kimberly Belcher. “Relational Priesthood in the Body of Christ: A Scriptural, Liturgical, and Trinitarian Approach.” Religions 12:799 (2021).
  • “The Archetypal Faith of Christ.” Theological Studies 81, n. 3 (September 2020): 671–692.
  • “The Theopoetic Constitution of the Church: Christian Ecumenism as a Theological Context.” In Doing Theology as if People Mattered: Encounters in Contextual Theology, edited by Deborah Ross and Eduardo C. Fernández with Stephan B. Bevans, 59–73. New York: Herder & Herder, 2019.
  • “Kenosis as a Pauline Metaphor within a Double-Scope Blend.” In Putting God on the Map: Theology and Conceptual Mapping, edited by Erin Kidd and Jakob Karl Rinderknecht, 103–126. Minneapolis: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic Press, 2018.
  • “Balthasar as Source for Teaching Theology in North American Higher Education,” in Handing on the Faith: Annual Volume 59 (2013) of the College Theology Society, eds. Matthew Lewis Sutton and William L. Portier (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2014), 65-74.
  • Review: “The Same God Who Works All Things: Inseparable Operations in Trinitarian Theology, by Adonis Vidu.” Theology Today 79, no. 1 (April 2022): 87–88.
  • Paper: “Balthasar’s Trinity and Eschatological Grace,” given November 25, 2019 for the Christian Systematic Theology Unit of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) at the 2019 Annual Convention, San Diego.
  • Paper: “Ontological Change and Priestly Ordination: A Test Case for Sacralized Metaphysics,” given June 2, 2019 at the College Theology Society (CTS) Annual Convention, Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, IN.
  • Paper: “Sacralization and Desacralization in Laudato Si’ and The Benedict Option,” given June 9, 2018 at the Catholic Society of America (CTSA) Annual Convention, Lonergan Consultation, Indianapolis.
  • Review: “God and Difference: The Trinity, Sexuality, and the Transformation of Finitude, by Linn Marie Tonstad.” Theological Studies 78, no. 4 (December 2017): 999–1000.
  • Review: “Shorter Notice: Christ and Analogy: The Christological Metaphysics of Hans Urs von Balthasar, by Junius Johnson,” for Theological Studies, Vol. 76, no.2 (June 2015): 389-90.
(510) 549-5015
Office hours by appointment room 213