"One of the aspects of teaching here I most prize is the diversity I find in the classroom. Although this variety of backgrounds, vocations, religions and denominations used to seem intimidating to me, my students are gradually teaching me to broaden my horizons and trust what I bring into the classroom. Furthermore, the sacrifices they make to come here keep me humble."
Fr. Fernández approaches his teaching methodology with a view to what his students will enjoy, how they will receive their studies most effectively, what different mediums will help them integrate their studies with practice. He often invites relevant guest speakers to talk to his classes and believes very strongly in incorporating media, especially film, into the learning process, particularly when it pertains to religious expression.
As Professor of Pastoral Theology and Ministry at the Jesuit School, Fr. Fernández teaches such courses as Church, Mission and Cultures; Intercultural Ministry: Parish, Campus, and Classroom; Latino/a Theology Seminar; Sacraments in Latino Context; and often supervises doctoral students in creating and teaching innovative courses, for example, Decolonizing Mission; and Theology and Ministry in the Age of Migration. He specializes in Hispanic/Latinx theology, Mexican and U.S. History of the Southwest, social justice, inculturation, and the celebration of sacraments in intercultural contexts.
In addition to teaching, Fr. Fernández served as president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS) and has authored several books, including La Vida Sacra: Contemporary Hispanic Sacramental Theology with James Empereur, S.J. (Rowman and Littlefield, 2006) and two books which have recently been translated into Spanish: Mexican-American Catholics (Paulist Press, 2007 and 2023); La Cosecha: Harvesting Contemporary U.S. Hispanic Theology (Liturgical Press, 2000 and Universidad Alberto Hurtado Press in Chile, 2020 ). He has also published articles for theological journals and collaborates with the Jesuit School of Theology’s Instituto Hispano and several local diocesan lay institutes.
- Sacraments in Latino Contexts
- Mission, Church, and Cultures
- Intercultural Ministry Parish, Campus, and Classroom
- Hispanic/Latinx Theology Seminar
- Theological Readings in Spanish
- Mexican American Catholics (Paulist Press, 2007). Winner of Second Place, Pastoral Ministry Category, Catholic Press Association, 2008. Published in Spanish as Católicos Mexicoamericanos (Paulist Press, 2023).
- La Cosecha: Harvesting Contemporary U.S. Hispanic Theology (1972-1998) (Collegeville: Michael Glazier, 2000).
- In Spanish translation: La Cosecha: Teología Contemporánea en Estados Unidos (1972-1998). Published by México: Buena Prensa, 2009. The Universidad Alberto Hurtado Press in Chile put out an 2020 updated Spanish version entitled La Cosecha: Teología hispana contemporánea en Estados Unidos (1972-2019).
- Doing Theology as If People Mattered: Encounters in Contextual Theology (Herder and Herder, 2019) Co-edited with Deborah Ross and Stephen Bevans.
- Culture-Sensitive Ministry: Helpful Strategies for Pastoral Ministers. Co-authored with Kenneth McGuire and Anne Hansen. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2010.
- La Vida Sacra: A Contemporary Hispanic Sacramental Theology (with James Empereur). Rowman and Littlefield, 2006.
- U.S. Hispanic Catholics: Trends and Works. Co-authored with Kenneth Davis and Veronica Mendez. University of Scranton Press, 2002.
* “Pilgrims in Community at the Frontiers: A Contemplation on Jesuit Mission Today” with Hung T. Pham, S.J. in Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits, 48/2 (Summer 2016).
* “Liturgies and Sacraments Latinamente” in the Wiley-Blackwell’s Companion to Latino/a Theology edited by Orlando Espín, (2015): 269-280.
* “Un aprendizaje sobre la teología de las mujeres.” Christus No. 816, LXXVII (enero-febrero-marzo, 2017): 39-44.
* “Haciendo Memoria: Revisiting Our Blessings at the GTU”. Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology, Vol. 7, No. 1.