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Inclusive Excellence Offices 

Learn more about different offices that encompass Inclusive Excellence

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Webpage

Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX oversees the University’s compliance with Title IX, equal opportunity, affirmative action, and other state and federal civil rights laws. It helps investigate and resolve complaints of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking.

LEAD Scholars Program Webpage

LEAD Scholars Program

The LEAD Scholars Program is for first-generation college students (students whose parents did not graduate from a 4-year college or university) focused on academic success, community engagement and vocational exploration. This program is open to both first-year students and transfer students with the goal of supporting them throughout their college career.

Office of Accessible Education (OAE) Webpage

Office of Accessible Education (OAE)

The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) formerly Disabilities Resources (DR) at Santa Clara University has facilitated services to students with disabilities since 1972. Our goal is to support the college student with a disability to participate fully in campus life, its programs, and activities. We emphasize growth and individual achievement. We address this goal through the provision of academic accommodations, support services, and auxiliary aids.

Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Webpage

Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) serves as a conduit for diversity and inclusion efforts throughout the campus. It has a strong emphasis area with faculty, staff, and broader campus climate including students and other stakeholders. ODI assists with diversity-related data management and assessment. ODI supports the recruitment, retention, and success of a diverse university community—encouraging collaboration, academic excellence, and a diverse, inclusive campus climate.

Office for Multicultural Learning (OML) Webpage

Office for Multicultural Learning (OML)

The Office for Multicultural Learning (OML) is committed to promoting social justice, building bridges across diverse communities, and celebrating differences of students at Santa Clara University. In addition, we advocate for historically underrepresented populations and educate the whole person within the context of Jesuit values. OML also oversees the Rainbow Resource Center.

Office of the Ombuds Webpage

Office of the Ombuds

The Office of the University Ombuds is located organizationally in the Office of the President, and reports to the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, but the University Ombuds operates independently of all institutional reporting responsibilities. The University Ombuds is independent of existing administrative structures and submits periodic [quarterly and annual] written summaries identifying opportunities for enhancement to the campus community.