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Jean Donovan Fellowship Intensive

The JDF Intensive seeks to align the Mission of SCU, the Jesuit Apostolic Preferences, and high impact practices of community-engaged learning to expand on the existing Ignatian Center relationships with community-based organizations through the global Jesuit network. This Fellowship will provide support and full funding for a cadre of student leaders with demonstrated commitments to social justice that are seeking an intensive and formative Fellowship to work with the following organizations: 

In addition to the Jean Donovan Fellowship learning objectives the intensive invites Fellows to deepen in their understanding of solidarity and vocation through these objectives:

  • Serve as leaders within the Fellowship community sharing your lived experiences and work to align personal values with program values of social justice, simple living, and spirituality through the formation and Fellowship experience.
  • Grow in lived experience of accompaniment experience while residing within or adjacent to the placement community.
  • Hogar de Cristo - Participate in SCUs Chile immersion, followed by Fellowship. Spanish Fluency Required. 
  • Bethlehem Farm - Comfortability and willingness to explore spirituality as a guiding value for social justice work. 

This is a fully funded Fellowship. Fellows are provided with a $4000 stipend and all program/travel/lodging costs are provided.  Students will be able to indicate their interest in the JDF Intensive in the Fellowship application.