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2024 Graduates



Congratulations Class of 2024 - You Will Be Missed!

We are so proud of and excited for this graduating class of Ignatian Center student leaders. We are confident that they will use their passion and dedication to make the world a better place - here, there, and everywhere.

This year's graduating class holds a special place in our hearts as many of them have worked as student assistants in the office for the past 3 years. We will miss their lively spirit, focused dedication, and joyful laughter.

ICJE Student Assistants - Class of 2024
L-R: Jaden Raymundo, Paulina Ursua Garcia, Karla Santos, Madi Smith, Christina Nelson, Daniel Martinez


  • Maile Belnap

    Ignatian Fellow 2022-23
    Major: Political Science Pre-Law Emphasis
    Awards: 2024 Philosophy Book Award | 2024 Amos Dana Award for Distinction in Public Service | 2023 Bernard L. Kronick Award for Quantitative Methods Paper

    "Working at the Ignatian Center has deeply shaped my outlook on public service and community. I have been able to learn how to connect with others and my passions in a thoughtful and fruitful way."

  • Camryn Brown

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2023
    Psychology | Music

    "I have been deeply moved by the direct community involvement, awareness, and solidarity I’ve been involved in through the Ignatian Center."

  • Laura Clark

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2023 | Alpha Sigma Nu Co-President 2023-24
    Major: Philosophy | Religious Studies
    Awards: Religious Studies Major Prize | Sourisseau Award | Richard R. Riordan Award 

    "The Ignatian Center allowed me to explore direct-service based work in community with other students. It truly created an intentional space for growth and discernment. I am indebted to the staff at the Ignatian Center who always made me feel welcome and valued. It is so unique to have a center of distinction that specifically focuses on bringing Jesuit values into the world and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of it!"

  • Jules Holland

    Ignatian Fellowship 2021-22
    Environmental Studies | Political Science
    The Peter-Hans Kolvenbach | Social Justice Award | Lucky Hinkle Sustainability Award | Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honors Society | Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honors Society

    "The Ignatian Center has significantly impacted my time at SCU. I was able to become deeply involved with the Bail Project, a non-profit organization that aims to combat the injustices of the cash bail system. Through my internship with the Bail Project, I was able to gain valuable insights into the criminal justice system and the barriers faced by those who are unable to afford bail. This experience has further solidified my commitment to social justice and my desire to use my education to make a tangible difference in the lives of marginalized and underserved populations."

  • Erica Julian

    Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
    Major: Biology | Music

    "I worked with first graders at a local elementary school and I will forever be grateful the experience! I think that it took me out of the sphere of school and allowed me to see the greater picture and make positive impact on young kids lives!"

  • Daniel Martinez

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022 & 2023 | Arrupe Engagement Fellow 2020-22 | Ignatian Center Community Engaged Student Assistant 2-23-24
    Major: Religious Studies | Women & Gender Studies
    Awards: Student life Award | Michael E. Kelly Award | Joseph A. Grassi Social Justice Award

    "My experience at the Ignatian Center has completely shaped my time at SCU as it was my first home on campus. I (virtually) attended the first year immersion, there I met my best friends at SCU and before I knew it the Ignatian Center would become my home. It was here I was able to apply and more deeply engage my studies outside the classroom and engage in what it means to live out a faith that does justice. Throughout my four years at SCU the Ignatian Center has provided me the tools to actively stand in solidarity with communities throughout the various communities we engage with."

  • Christina Nelson

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2023 | Jean Donovan Fellowship+ 2023-24 | Immersion Coordinator 2022-24 | Ignatian Center Student Assistant 2021-24
    Major: Sociology | Spanish
    Award: Community Based Work in Sociology Award

    "The Ignatian Center has shaped many of my friendships, as it has allowed me to find people with similar interests. It has also funded many programs that I have been interested in, which has expanded opportunities available to me during my time at SCU."

  • Anabelle Oldham

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022
    Major: Finance | Spanish

    "My experience with the Ignatian Center as a Jean Donovan Fellow has profoundly shaped my time at SCU. The fellowship led me to work with Amigos de Guadalupe, a local non-profit organization just 15 minutes away from campus. It allowed me step outside of the "SCU bubble" and highlighted the Ignatian value of being "men and women for and with others." I learned the importance of not just working for a community but truly being part of it and understanding its unique challenges and strengths. This fellowship made me a better person by widening my world view. I witnessed firsthand the dedication and hard work of the staff who constantly work to uplift the San Jose community. Their commitment to making a tangible difference in people's lives was inspiring. Moreover, the support I received from the Ignatian Center staff was invaluable. In particular, Valerie Sarma, who became a guiding light and a constant source of encouragement."

  • Jaden Raymundo

    Ignatian Center Student Assistant 2021-24
    Major: Marketing
    Award: Leavey School of Business Service Award

    "My experience at the Ignatian Center has heavily impacted my time here at SCU as I have been involved with it in some capacity for all four years. It has given me the opportunity to meet some of my best friends and enhanced my educational experience outside of the classroom."

  • Kathryn Rickwa

    Ignatian Fellowship 2020-21 | Immersion Coordinator 2022-23
    Major: Public Health Science
    Awards: Phi Sigma Iota - Foreign Language Honor Society | Iota Iota Iota - Women's & Gender Studies Honor Society | Community Engagement Award - Department of Public Health

    "Since participating in the Class of 2020 San Jose Immersion during my first quarter at SCU, the Ignatian Center has been my lifeline and a source of so much love, strength, community, and invigorating challenge. I have experienced so much transformative growth and fulfillment in immersions, fellowship work, and conversations with my peers and the incredible staff, and I would not be who I am today without each and every one of these beautiful experiences and wonderful humans. I am so beyond grateful for every opportunity and every person I’ve been so privileged to connect with and befriend; I will carry all of them with me as I continue practicing and cultivating solidarity, mutuality, and social justice in my life beyond SCU."

  • Karla Santos

    Ignatian Fellowship 2020-21 | Thriving Neighbors Fellowship 2021-22 | Immersion Coordinator 2022-23 | Ignatian Center Student Assistant 2021-24
    Major: Ethnic Studies | Women & Gender Studies
    Awards: Jesuit Ignatian Award | Dr. Ramon Chacon Community Service Award

    "The Ignatian Center has really enriched my college experience here at Santa Clara University. I am very grateful for the communication within the Ignatian Center and the communities that have come out of it. I am glad that I was able to share in hope and solidarity with other students and staff on-campus, at my placements, and beyond."

  • Madison Smith

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022 | Immersion Coordinator 2022-24 | Ignatian Center Student Assistant 2021-24
    Major: Business Management

    "The Ignatian Center was the place I spent the most time outside the classroom and the place where I had my most impactful experiences at Santa Clara University. I cannot imagine my time at SCU without working and participating in Ignatian Center programs."

  • Allie Thigpen

    Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
    Major: Sociology
    Awards: Magna Cumme Laude

    "The Ignatian Center gave me the opportunity to give back to my community and connect with elementary students in San Jose while helping them with their reading and math skills. The Ignatian center also gave me a deeper sense of self and pushed me to reflect on my ideals and values and how they are connected to the greater world around me."

  • Paulina Ursua Garcia

    Immersion Coordinator 2022 | Ignatian Center Student Assistant 2022-24
    Major: Environmental Studies | Ethnic Studies
    Awards: ESS Environmental Studies Research Award | ESS Environmental Justice Award

    "Being a part of the Ignatian Center has helped me feel more connected on campus, as I've been able to meet so many new students, faculty, and staff. I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to be an Immersion Coordinator and engage in my community placements through Arrupe."

  • Caroline Wing

    Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
    Major: Communication | Art History
    Awards: Hoefer Prize Award | Cum Laude Latin Honors

    "My experience at the Ignatian Center has had such a positive impact on my time at SCU and I wish that I had gotten involved sooner! I was able to find a community of people and peers that also wanted to get involved with the local community and give back. My Ignatian Fellowship was so fun and special to me because I got to meet so many new people who I never would have crossed paths with on campus because were all different majors and years!"

  • Grace Yonkers-Talz

    Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022 | Ignatian Fellowship 2021-22 & 2022-23 | Immersion Coordinator 2023-24
    Major: Child Studies | Women & Gender Studies
    Awards: Richard J. Riordan Award | Audre Lorde Social Justice Award

    "During my time at SCU, the Ignatian Center has provided me with a space to learn more about myself and the world around me. Through their programs, I have delved deeply into important issues such as immigration, environmental justice, and social justice in general. I am most appreciative of the time I spent at the Kino Border Initiative, which provided invaluable insights into the complexities of immigration and the human stories behind it. The unwavering support and mentorship I received from the dedicated staff and peers have profoundly touched my heart, and I will cherish these memories and the impact they've had on my life forever."

Name Role
Suzan Amiri Ignatian Fellowship 2022-23
Zoe Barton Ignatian Fellowship 2021-22 & 2022-23
Ignatian Center Student Writing Assistant 2023-24
Victor Calata-Gentil Thriving Neighbors Fellowship 2021-22 & 2022-23 
Ariana Chavez-Magana Thriving Neighbors Fellowship 2021-22, 2022-23, & 2023-24
Josie Collier Ignatian Fellowship 2022-23
Kate Dobak Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
Katie Duffy Ignatian Fellowship 2022-23
Caroline Harrington Jean Donovan Fellowship 2023
Lauren Kelley Arrupe Engagement Fellowship 2021-22
Max Mailloux-Beachemin Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
Maria Munoz Yepez Thriving  Neighbors Fellowship 2022-23 & 2023-24
Maria Perez Ignatian Fellowship 2023-24
Maria "Isabela" Ramirez Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022
Emma Samaniego Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022
Anneliese Seidel Immersion Coordinator 2023-24
Immersion Student Assistant 2023-24
Jugraj Shoker Ignatian Fellowship 2021-22 & 2022-23
Rachel Stattion Jean Donovan Fellowship 2022
Cash Stock Jean Donovan Fellowship 2023
Karina Tsou Alpha Sigma Nu Co-President 2023-24
Willa Weinsheimer Ignatian Fellowship 2021-22 & 2022-23
Kimberly Wood Jean Donovan Fellowship 2021
Ignatian Fellowship 2020-21