Shaped by the Spiritual Exercises, the 2014-2015 Bannan Institute explored the theme of Ignatian leadership as a vocational practice or way of proceeding that seeks to affect personal and communal transformation.

In the first principle and foundation of the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius of Loyola urges: “I ought to desire and elect only the thing which is more conducive to the end for which I am created.”
Leadership and Justice
Focusing on the practice of justice within Ignatian leadership, exploring how commitments to solidarity and social justice ground the work of Ignatian leaders and shape the work of Jesuit higher education as a proyecto social.
Leadership and Faith
Examining the role of faith within the practice of Ignatian leadership, engaging the foundational witness of Jesus, the import of interreligious dialogue and encounter in transforming and healing our world, and the examples of women and men with Ignatian vocations, including Pope Francis.
Leadership and the Intellectual Life
Considering the role of the intellectual life within Ignatian leadership, examining the means by which Jesuit, Catholic universities seek to form whole persons, engaged citizens, and accountable leaders.
- Matthew Carnes, S.J.
Matthew Carnes, S.J.
- Rabbi Abraham Skorka
Rabbi Abraham Skorka
- Maureen O’Connell
Maureen O’Connell
- Cornel West
Cornel West