"This immersion changed how I understand corruption and power in the United States, and showed me the truth of how things work - politics, systemic racism, systems being purposefully created not just 'broken.' These were all aspects I knew about before, but the program cemented them together into a big picture, using personal testimonials and big-picture stuff in tandem."
Allison Milbrath '20 Arizona Border Immersion Participant |
"The language barrier that I experienced during the trip had a huge impact on how I view identity and immigration. While I have general proficiency with Spanish, it was so interesting for me to realize how much language and a person's ability to communicate can alter their true identity. I gained a much greater appreciation for immigrants moving to countries without previous knowledge of the language and now understand how conflicting of a situation it can be for some people."
Sarah Ebrahimian '21 Costa Rica Immersion Participant |
"This immersion solidified my want to become someone who advocates and helps the communities often overlooked - whether that be as a doctor, mentor, or something else. I have a greater appreciation for people I otherwise would have overlooked and a need to show kindness to everyone. I learned that though people are happy, welcoming, and seemingly okay on the outside, I don't know what their situation is and I need to be sensitive to that."
Ceili Charley '20 East Africa Immersion Participant |
"I think it is such an unforgettable experience, and you get to really explore who you are as a person and what type of person you are to others. It makes people get their hands dirty and actually experience the difficulties in life firsthand. I would definitely recommend it to anyone because of how much I learned about myself."
Illan Vargas '23 San Jose First Year Immersion Participant |
"This program gave me an understanding of the importance of policy on people’s lives, and motivated me to become an informed voter and activist. I would recommend the program for anyone motivated to learn more about social justice issues."
Carolyn Kuimelis '22 Arizona Border Immersion Participant |
"This program has changed the way I go through life. I am a more conscious spender, eater, and thinker now. I question ideas and thoughts that I previously never second guessed. This trip was also really grounding for me and has made me feel more connected to myself, my faith, and the world around me. I didn’t expect all these changes in myself and didn’t really see them coming until they were already happening."
Ekene Anene '21 Costa Rica Immersion Participant |
"This program has definitely made me question how I can live my life to serve others and what that means. I have always known the exact path I want to take, but now I am definitely considering something like the Jesuit Volunteer Corps."
Samantha Bailey '20 East Africa Immersion Participant |
"Going on an immersion comes with the opportunity to gain an awareness of the challenges facing marginalized communities and how they are organized and advocate for a better lived experience. I get to practice solidarity and foster connections with the members of the marginalized communities that I meet and build an inclusive, supportive community with the other SCU students."
Aya Kanan '21 San Jose First year Immersion Coordinator |
"My final takeaway from the immersion was how impactful community is on a situation and how we must not be guarded and discouraged by the harshness around us. This really demonstrated the contrast of charity and social justice and how we need to have both. I would highly suggest and will encourage others to apply because it will have a lifelong impact on them."
Dalliana Banuelos '22 Arizona Border Immersion Participant |
This immersion made me realize that every country has its struggles and that the history of the country contributes so much to the way it is now. It has made me realize that happiness doesn't come in the form of money or material things, but in the simple things that make us distinctly human. Going on an immersion will put your life into perspective and really make you think about what you value in your life and what you're putting your time and energy into. This can make you reevaluate your way of thinking about the world around you."
Lalo Lopez '22 Costa Rica Immersion Participant |
"The biggest thing that has impacted my life since the immersion has been a real longing to spend my time more intentionally rather than being spread thin. It is better to spend more time making connections and building community rather than running around 24/7 unable to contribute fully to any one community."
Andrew Elliott '20 East Africa Immersion Participant |
"For me, some final takeaways were that I was able to connect more to my inner spirituality than I had before. I was also able to truly understand life outside of the small SCU bubble. At first I was hesitant on going, but I am so glad that I did because I see life outside of school through different eyes. Also, I was able to make friendships before even starting school, so that was a huge plus."
Sarah Sporn '23 San Jose First Year Immersion Participant |