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Faculty Affairs Committee

Purpose: The Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) works with the Provost to promote the professional development of faculty. In this capacity it serves as the final locus of dialogue in the formulation of University programs, policies, and procedures pertaining to the responsibilities of the faculty.

The Faculty Affairs Committee makes its recommendations to the Provost, the senior administrator overseeing faculty affairs.


  • Michael Calegari, Associate Professor, Accounting, Spring 2023-2026 (Chair)
  • Catherine Murphy, Associate Provost for Faculty Personnel and Policy (ex officio)
  • Shoba Krishnan, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2022-25
  • Daniel Turkeltaub, Associate Professor, Classics, 2024-27
  • Betty Young, Professor, Physics, 2024-27
  • Cary Watson, Teaching Professor, Counseling Psychology, 2024-25
  • Ryan Anderson, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Jan. 2025-June 2026
  • Ryan Reynolds, Associate Professor, Arts and Art History, 2024-27
  • Katie Williams, Senior Manager for Faculty Affairs (administrative support, non-voting participant)

UPC Administrator:

  • James Glaser, Provost and Executive Vice President

The charge of the Faculty Affairs Committee is to:

  1. Initiate and/or review proposals, University initiatives, and programs for faculty development.
  2. Review and evaluate proposals on compensation/benefits so that they promote faculty achievement and reflect sound personnel practice.
  3. Promote adequate support for faculty teaching, advising, scholarship, creative work, and service.
  4. Review and recommend policies governing sabbaticals. 
  5. Ensure that guidelines and criteria for recruitment and hiring of faculty, and for promotion and tenure advance the mission and goals of the University.
  6. Ensure the fairness and efficiency of University appellate and judicial procedures for faculty.
  7. Oversee faculty committees charged with responsibility for policies, procedures, programs, or issues pertaining to the responsibilities or compensation of faculty.
  8. Collaborate with the Staff Affairs Committee on issues, policies, guidelines, and programs that affect all University personnel.
Policies under Discussion

For a list of current issues that FAC is working on and the opportunity to provide feedback, please visit the Policies under Discussion page. You will be asked to login with your SCU user name and password.