How would you define your international education experience?
- International Educator
- Third Culture Kid/Global Nomad
- Study Abroad Student
What was your international education experience like?
I was born and raised abroad, Germany, as my parents where international educators. Living overseas during my childhood provided me the appreciation of other cultures, languages and customs. Having strong ties to two countries instilled a life-long curiosity and desire to travel and experience places and people.
In college, I studied abroad at Melbourne University in Australia and took a travel course across Europe studying literary work. In graduate school, I participated in a course at Universidad de las Americas- Puebla (UDLA ) to learn more about the education system in Mexico.
All of my abroad experience heavily influenced my professional career in international student recruitment and admission. For 15+ years I have worked with international students and Americans abroad who have sought higher education in the United States. It has been a privilege to build wonderful relationships and cultural knowledge and competencies while doing the work of enrollment management across 4 universities, including Santa Clara. The learning and engagement with international education continues for me and is a significant part of what I enjoy in my work.
What message do you have to share with students and community members about the importance of international education?
Take advantage! Connect with international students, travel, study abroad, research, study another language, explore International Education Week activities and more! International education offers a rewarding opportunity to further ones learning, networks and understanding of the world. The international education programs and opportunities within higher education promote understanding across cultures and nations while preparing us all to be our best selves when engaging and serving the world around us.