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Office Pets

We are a pet-friendly team, and often bring our pets to the office. Stop by and say hello!

  • Meet Caramel, the sweetest mini Goldendoodle! She loves greeting every human she encounters, and wants nothing more than pets and attention. Her favorite activities include fetching and smelling around on walks and hikes. After spending most of her life as a city girl in the NYC area she is excited about all the grass she can smell in the Bay Area. Caramel is also a world traveler and has visited Italy three times with her humans, with stops in Milan, Venice, and Rome.

  • Meet Cleo, the green-cheeked conure who suffers from a classic case of middle child syndrome. She's an attention-seeking cuddle monster who demands endless affection. Cleo is fiercely passionate, and loyal- she'd literally do anything for her family, including staging a dramatic protest if her owner dares to leave her sight.

  • Meet Coco, the youngest and sassiest member of Raisa’s family. She’s a fiercely independent Cockatiel who insists on starting every morning by singing “Coco” until her owner wakes up- her way of saying, "Good morning, it's time to feed me!" Coco enjoys strutting around her owner’s apartment on her daily walks and is always up for some cozy cuddles. She's a social butterfly who loves meeting new friends and charming everyone she meets.

  • Meet Dixie, who loves being outside and playing fetch. Dixie does not love other animals or cuddling (much to the chagrin of her human family).

  • Meet Edgar, a gentle giant with a heart of gold. His favorite pastime is snuggling up for long afternoon naps and his mission in life is to befriend everyone he meets whether they're human, feline, or even avian like his dear friend Coco the cockatiel! With his laid-back demeanor and affectionate nature, Edgar melts hearts wherever he goes.

  • Meet Fenrir, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi! This little dynamo is a force of nature, barreling through the house with the grace of a bull in a china shop. When he's not busy causing a delightful ruckus, Fenrir loves to serenade the neighborhood with his howls, making sure everyone knows he's around. And don't be surprised if your hand towels go missing—this mischievous pup loves to drag them around as if they're his prized possessions.

  • Meet Gena, a spirited tortoiseshell with a personality as colorful as her coat! Named after the crocodile in the cartoon Cheburashka, she's a connoisseur of observation, perching herself high to watch over her domain with a keen eye and a curious mind. She loves to serenade her favorite humans with melodious meows, and while she has a cautious approach to making friends, once you've earned her trust, her affection is a treasure. Cuddles are reserved for those lucky few who have won her over, making each snuggle session a cherished reward.

  • Meet Lucy, who was rescued from the Humane Society and now lives with her adopted parents in San Jose! Lucy loves to visit the dog park and run with new (dog) friends.

  • Meet Mia, a no-nonsense cockapoo who enjoys the finer things in life and spends her days wishing she was an only child. Mia is only here for the snacks. She cannot be bothered by playful siblings or friendly human encounters. She likes to lay very quietly until a Zoom meeting meeting is in progress, then she finds her loud voice!

  • Meet Morla, the African Sideneck Turtle, who spends her days munching on succulent greens and casting a critical eye on everything around her. She delivers her judgments with the precision of a seasoned critic in just a glare. She is also fond of being left alone but enjoys stretching out and sunbathing when the occasion calls.

  • Meet Piper the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a pint-sized powerhouse with a sassy streak as wide as her grin! When she’s not flaunting her adorably stubby legs, you’ll find her orchestrating epic games of fetch with her beloved tennis ball, a prized possession she guards. Piper’s favorite pastime, though? Keeping her little brother Fenrir in line with a bossy bark and a playful pounce.

  • Meet Ren, the reigning monarch of Nat's household! Ren commands attention. She rules with a gentle paw but loves to keep things exciting by ambushing her unsuspecting siblings with ninja-like precision. When she's not plotting her next surprise attack, you can find Ren lounging in her favorite sunny spots or delicately grooming her impeccable coat. She's not just a cat; she's a fluffy, fearless queen.

  • Meet Zelda, the yellow-green cheeked conure and resident foodie. Her biggest passion and true love in life is food- if there's a snack in sight, Zelda is on the hunt! She's a social butterfly who loves making new friends, whether they're humans or birds. In her downtime, Zelda is all about those multiple daily naps and living the laid-back life.