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Senior Gift

Each year, the graduating class comes together to celebrate their time at Santa Clara, and to raise funds and awareness for areas of SCU that directly impact the undergraduate experience.

When making your Senior Gift, you can choose what your money supports! You can give back to your college, a center on campus that had a positive impact on you, or to the Santa Clara Fund which supports a number of student initiatives. 

As a thank you for making your Senior Gift, the Student Philanthropy Committee will be hosting a number of events and provide small tokens of our appreciation for your generosity! We hope you’ll join us from now until graduation in coming together to celebrate and make an impact!

Following our Instagram account to stay up-to-date with the Senior Gift Campaign!

$5 Gift $24 Gift $50 Gift
One-time gift to attend a
senior class gift
sponsored event.

Access to all Senior Class Gift
Sponsored Events at no
additional cost.

A Thank You Gift –
SCU Swag item

Full Benefits of the $24 Gift

Special Invite to the Senior
Philanthropy Reception

A pin to wear at Graduation

**President’s Club Level**