Mechanical Engineering, Class of 2020
Driven to make someone else's life better.
As a senior, Jesus enjoys reflecting on his past four years as a Bronco. He thinks of the lifelong friends he has made, the well-rounded Jesuit education he received, and the experiences that have shaped the kind of contributing citizen he is and will continue to be.
While attending the very same Jesuit high school where loyal alums, Dan and Sue White, teach as volunteers, Jesus thought about his desire to further his education. He had to assess which institutions were financially feasible. “I didn’t want my mom to have to worry about paying for college at all,” stressed Jesus. Upon receiving his financial aid package, Jesus realized that his dream could become a reality at Santa Clara University.
“When I came to campus, I appreciated Santa Clara as a school and as a community.” Jesus continues, “I knew I wasn't going to struggle finding a good group of people to surround myself with, people with my same ambition who want to better themselves.” He adds, “But I found them in the LEAD Scholars Program, first-generation students just like myself.”
As part of his senior design project, Jesus, along with fellow STEM majors, are constructing and prototyping efficient, solar water-heating systems for the Maasai community. It felt even more real when he received the notice that he and his team would be traveling to Africa later this year to implement their designs. “This is one of the most memorable things that I've gotten the privilege and the opportunity of doing while at Santa Clara,” remarks Jesus.
“I was pulled toward STEM,” Jesus says. “At SCU each engineering class, not just mechanical engineering, but the labs, allow you to put to work what you've learned in the classroom.” He goes on to say, “It helps students to better understand what we are doing and how it can impact a community.” All part of innovating with a mission.
Because of the generosity of Santa Clara Fund donors like Dan and Sue White, students like Jesus are given invaluable opportunities that might not otherwise exist.
Jesus notes, “I want to be an engineer because I want to have an impact in people’s lives. Anything I do, whatever it may be, I just want to know that it's making someone else's life better.”
- Carrie Jensen and Sam Andalon