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Student Profiles

A person sitting on the floor with a violin, smiling.
Isabella Brown

Biology, Class of 2021

Thriving at SCU thanks in part to diverse programs, such as the LEAD Scholars Program and the Bronco Pep Band. 

Isabella Brown ’21 is not the kind of person that would ordinarily sneak out of a classroom to talk on her phone. But late in her senior year of high school, she received an email that she felt warranted an extraordinary response.

Brown grew up on San Juan Island off of Washington State. When looking at colleges she wanted to attend a smaller school where she would feel safe and comfortable. She toured Santa Clara and couldn’t get it out of her mind. “I knew this school was the one for me. I felt comfortable, challenged, and at home here.”

She was afraid to get too attached, thinking it was not realistic for her mother, the sole provider for three kids, to cover the cost. She was accepted to several Jesuit colleges and was holding out hope that she’d receive scholarship assistance to attend Santa Clara. But time was running short.

Near the end of Aprilclose to the time she would have to commitBrown finally received a message she’d hoped for. “I was in my AP Government class and happened to check my emails, and I saw that I received a scholarship from Santa Clara. I asked my teacher if I could use the restroom and immediately went out and called my mom! She was so happy, and I was able to commit that day.

Now a sophomore Biology student, Brown is thriving here thanks in part due to programs supported by the Santa Clara Fund, such as the LEAD Scholars Program for first generation college students as well as student organizations like the Bronco Pep Band. A musician since sixth grade, Pep Band was one of the first activities she joined. “It is great to have found a community at Santa Clara where I’ve made lots of good friends,” she said. “And we help spread Bronco Pride by playing at basketball, soccer and volleyball games, and also at some events. I really enjoy playing at Golden Circle Theatre Party and at the Gonzaga basketball game because there is such a great energy there.”

Brown feels fortunate to have her dreams supported through the Santa Clara Fund. “I am so thankful for all the donors to the Santa Clara Fund whose gracious gifts provide funds to help us Broncos achieve our dreams,” she said.

- Audrey Redmond