Vincent A. DiTomaso ’50

Vincent A. DiTomaso ’50 (electrical engineering) died of heart failure peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by family on December 14, 2016. When Vince arrived at Santa Clara as a first year student, he joined a unique class of budding engineers—not just the usual fresh-faced high school grads, but also seasoned military veterans resuming their lives at the end of World War II. During his time at Santa Clara, Vince was a member of the Engineering Society, served as A.I.E.E. President, and was a member of the Saber Society, R.O.T.C. The Class of ’50 graduated a record 70 engineers who have gathered every single year since their graduation. Vince and fellow Broncos serving in the military even held a reunion in Korea in 1951. In 1964 Vince opened DiTomaso & Associates, an electrical engineering consulting firm in Van Nuys, California. Later, he became a principal with the consulting firm of Dalan Engineers in Northridge, and in 1997 was appointed to the State of California’s Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. In 2002, he was awarded the School of Engineering’s highest honor, the Distinguished Engineering Alumnus Award. His son, Joe DiTomasso said, “We loved our father and his energy for life and his heart full of love. He very much loved Santa Clara University and I believe the proudest day of his life was when he received the Engineering School award. It is because of the lessons learned and the education received at Santa Clara that my father became the great man that he was.” Notes of condolence may be sent to the DiTomasso Family in care of the Department of Electrical Engineering.