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Making a Power Play

A person working with wiring under a ceiling.

James Wang ’19 makes an adjustment to SCU’s entry in California’s 2017 Solar Regatta

Electrical engineering and environmental science double major James Wang ’19 has built an impressive resume gaining experience in the energy and power systems arenas. Now the sustainability and social justice warrior has an opportunity to take his experience to the next level.

To say electrical engineering and environmental science double major James Wang is a live wire would be a gross understatement. The energetic senior is a tour guide for the School of Engineering, is president of the student chapter of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and passionately pursues addressing “environmental injustice issues in the world.” Outside of daily school work , he consulted for a social enterprise in Zambia to better distribute solar products to electrify rural communities as a Global Social Benefit Fellow, installed solar panels for low-income homeowners with local organization Grid Alternatives, conducted research on microgrids as a summer Latimer Energy Lab research assistant, learned power system design and consulting at an internship at Burns & McDonnell, co-led the 2017 SCU Solar Regatta team, and currently improves energy and water usage on campus through an internship at the Center for Sustainability.

His intensity and passion for this field of electrical engineering has recently paid off big time with a number of scholarships and internship opportunities.

The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), a leading provider of information on power and energy for the betterment of humanity, has named James as a 2018-19 IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative recipient. Selected by industry and academic representatives as a high achiever with great potential to make an impact across the power and energy industry, he will receive a financial stipend and assistance in obtaining a professional experience opportunity.

This year, James was also awarded an internship with Silicon Valley Power (SVP), sponsored by the American Public Power Association’s Demonstration of Energy and Efficiency Development program. He will be working with one of SVP’s senior electrical engineers in analyzing and improving power factor on the utility’s distribution system, gaining practical, real-world experience in his field of study and career mentoring. He was also awarded an educational scholarship from SVP for his dedication to pursuing a career in the power and energy field, as well as the Udall Scholarship for Conservation

“Honestly, receiving these awards feels surreal,” Wang said. “They are a testament to the belief that one should follow their passions. We spend too much time worrying about what the future will hold, rather than simply doing things we enjoy.”

Awards, Energy, Engineering, Internships, Students, Sustainability, Undergraduate
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