IDEAS for Diversity and Inclusion at SCU
A group of Santa Clara University students is working with faculty and administrators on campus to build community and advocate for diversity and inclusion initiatives in STEM at SCU. The IDEAS Coalition (Inclusion and Diversity in Engineering And STEM) is made up of members from six student-led organizations representing underrepresented or minority students.
With the aim of ensuring “every student has equitable access to the resources and opportunities needed to succeed in STEM at SCU,” SHPE Co-President Daniel Mendoza ’21 reports the group works frequently with the Engineering Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Council, providing a student perspective on all of the group's initiatives, such as the Walking the Walk Together panel series, adding more anti-racism content in engineering classes, and diversifying the makeup of the Engineering Advisory Council. They also work with the Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Engineering (DISE) Committee for initiatives outside of the School of Engineering.
During the fall quarter, their foremost project is creating a resource guide featuring a flowchart leading students to help in the event of a variety of situations, such as a classroom bias incident or mental health need.
IDEAS Member Organizations
ACM-W - Association of Computing Machinery, Women's Chapter
NSBE - National Society of Black Engineers
SHPE - Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
SWE - Society of Women Engineers
STAR - Student Academic Representatives
WinSTEM - Women in STEM