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Dean's Message, Spring 2021

A screenshot of students presenting their 2020 senior design project on Zoom

A screenshot of students presenting their 2020 senior design project on Zoom

"Spring fever" has hit our engineering seniors, as they work feverishly to put the finishing touches on their senior design projects before presenting them on May 13. Though the requirements for senior design haven't changed much since they were initiated in 1935, the projects certainly have!

This April, our engineering seniors faced a particular strain of “spring fever,” a burning desire to finish their senior design projects, even while distanced from their teammates during a pandemic.

With all the changes the last year has brought our stalwart and intrepid students, the senior capstone requirement has remained unchanged—since 1935. Teams of seniors have worked all year to bring their projects to fruition and will present their work at the (virtual) Senior Design Conference, May 13.

The projects students tackled this year would have been unimaginable to their distant alumni predecessors. Even the terms used to describe the work—biowearables, IoT—would have been Greek, and words like Bluetooth and cloud, ubiquitous in current vernacular, confounding.

If our student projects are signposts of advancement, so, too, are other happenings within the School of Engineering. We just wrapped up successful searching in Computer Science and Engineering and in Electrical and Computer Engineering with four new outstanding faculty joining us next year. Big changes are also afoot as the landmark STEM facility on campus nears completion; read about that and more in this edition of Engineering News.

Elaine written in script

Elaine P. Scott, Ph.D |Dean
School of Engineering

Engineering, SOE