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Redefining Values in a Values-Based Institution

For the past year, our SCU engineering community has taken a hard look at our values, programs, and practices to assess how we can best inspire engineering leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion. The result is a comprehensive plan of action.

In a School of Engineering, embedded in a Jesuit institution, that is steeped in a tradition of values-based education, it is important that we periodically take a hard look at our own values, programs, and practices to assess how we can best move forward to realize our vision of “an engineering community that inspires and develops engineering leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion—entrepreneurial thinkers who will build a more just, humane, and sustainable world.”

For the past year, our engineering community has tackled that assessment. Weeks of listening sessions and roundtable discussions sparked in-depth discussions within and between our Faculty and Staff Councils.

The result of their collective efforts is our School of Engineering values of iCARE and a code of conduct that outlines our behavior in fulfilling these values. Though the goals may seem lofty, our community of faculty and staff have a deep sense of personal commitment to them, as they promote all that is best in a Santa Clara education. Our Engineering Advisory Board is also deeply invested in this work, having formed working groups to address diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as Silicon Valley collaboration.

School of Engineering iCARE Values