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eWeek Art Show

Discover E Engineers Week February 18-24, 2024

Welcome to the School of Engineering's 12th Annual Engineering eWeek Art Showcase. This year's showcase was held both in-person and virtual. We are proud to be featuring pieces you all have created over this past year.

Knowing, as we do, that engineers are among the most interesting people on the planet, we want to celebrate our community's many talents with an exhibition of SCU School of Engineering student, faculty, staff, and alum artwork.

All images below are owned by their respective artists and may not be copied, reproduced, or used without written permission from each artist.

Welcome to the 2022 Virtual Art Showcase

Contact Us

Santa Clara University
School of Engineering
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
Sobrato Discovery, Bldg. 402

408-554-5474 fax


eWeek Events

Background of party and confetti. Text: Get into the eweek party mood. Follow our playlist. Link goes to Spotify Playlist.