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2018 Research Showcase

Congratulations to the following award winners:

Undergraduate Category:

  • 1st Place: Detection of Lead Contamination in Drinking Water Through Electrochemical Sensors. Students Jo Gopinath (Bioengineering Undergraduate), William Newcomb (Bioengineering Undergraduate), and Kyle Markfield (Bioengineering Undergraduate). Adviser: Dr. Ashley Kim
  • 2nd Place: An optimized VM Allocation Strategy to Make a Secure and Energy-Efficient Cloud Against Co-residence Attack. Students Ruiwen Li (Computer Engineering, Undergraduate), Songjie Cai (Computer Engineering, Undergraduate), and Hanxiao He (Computer Science and Engineering, Undergraduate). Advisers: Dr. Yuhoung Liu and Dr. Xiaoju Ruan
  • 3rd Place: Evaluating the Effect of Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions on the Biological Responses of Nanoparticles. Students Evangelia Bouzos (Bioengineering, Undergraduate), Erik Berggren (Chemistry, Alumni), Lauren Schmitt (Biochemistry, Alumni), and Sarah Anderson (Chemistry, Alumni). Advisers: Dr. Prashanth Asuri and Dr. Korin Wheeler

MS Category:

  • 1st Place: Process Optimization for Carbon Nanotubes-on-Graphene Fabrication. Students Andrew Michelmore (Electrical Engineering, Undergraduate), Julia Shaffer (Electrical Engineering, Undergraduate), Richard Senegor (Electrical Engineering, MS), Dayou Luo (Electrical Engineering, MS). Adviser: Dr. Cary Yang
  • 2nd Place: Exosome Tracking and Capture in Living Human Cells. Students Mai Anh Do (Bioengineering, MS), Daniel H. Levy (Bioengineering, MS). Adviser: Dr. Bill Lu (Biao Lu)
  • 3rd Place: Multi-Port Dual Polarized Integrated Patch Antenna for RF Detection at 5.8 GHz. Student Jonathan Lee (Electrical Engineering, MS). Adviser: Dr. Ramesh Abhari

PhD Category.

  • 1st Place: An Efficient Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator for Convolutional Neural Networks. Student Anaam Ansari (Electrical Engineering, Ph.D.). Advisers: Dr. Tokunbo Ogunfunmi and Dr. Kiran Gunnam
  • 2nd Place (tied): Research in Multirobot Adaptive Navigation. Students Robert McDonald (Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.), Michael Neumann (Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.), Scot Tomer (Mechanical Engineering, MS), Danop Rajabhandharaks (Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.), and Ryan Cooper (Computer Science and Engineering, MS). Adviser: Dr. Christopher Kitts
  • 2nd Place (tied): Robust Localization of a Mars Exploration Rover Under Data Association Ambiguity in Aerial and Ground Imagery. Student Kamak Ebadi (Electrical Engineering, Ph.D.). Advisers: Dr. Sally Wood and Dr. Curtis Padgett
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Santa Clara University
School of Engineering
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
Sobrato Discovery, Bldg. 402
