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Shaghaghi, Navid

About the Professor

Navid Shaghaghi is a lecturer and researcher in the departments of Computer Science & Engineering (CSEN). He also teaches a couple of courses in the department of Information Systems and Analytics (ISA) of the School of Business and has in the past taught for the department of Bioenginneering (BIOE) of the School of Engineering and the department of Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) of the College of Arts and Sciences at Santa Clara University. His research interests are in Artificial Intelligence(AI), Automation, Technology for Education, Technology Ethics, Extended Reality, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), sustainable Energy, and Web/Mobile technologies. Professor Shaghaghi currently manages 30 research projects and oversees over 150 research students and alumni in his Ethical, Pragmatic, and Intelligent Computing (EPIC) and Creative, Augmented, and Virtual Environments (CAVE) research laboratories as well as under his fellowship roles with the Frugal Innovation Hub (FIH) and the Healthcare Innovation and Design Lab at the university.



  • Introduction to Computer Science (CSCI 10)
    Read the article More Ways to Embed Coverage of Ethics into an Introductory Computer Science Course about this course.
  • Abstract Data Types and Data Structures (CSEN 12)
  • Applied Programming in MATLAB (BIOE 45)
  • Object Oriented Programming in C++ (CSCI 60)
  • Data Structures (CSCI 61)
  • Object Oriented Programming in Java (OMIS 137)
  • Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Programming (CSEN 160)
  • Web Development (CSEN 161)
  • Web Usability (CSEN 163)
  • Theory of Algorithms (CSCI 163A / CSEN 179)
  • Computer Graphics (CSCI 168)
  • Operating Systems (CSEN 177)
  • Design Management of Software (CSCI 187)
  • Undergraduate Research (CSCI 192)


  • Object Oriented Analysis, Design, and Programming (CSEN 275)
  • Advanced Web Programming (CSEN 278)
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSEN 279 / AMTH 377)
  • Operating Systems (CSEN 283)
  • Web Architecture and Protocols (CSEN 315)
  • Design Patterns (CSEN 359)
  • Web Programming (MSIS 2630)
  • Mobile Programming (MSIS 2651)

Past Courses

  • Applied Programming in MATLAB (COEN 45)
  • Theological Anthropology and Artificial Intelligence (TESP 135)
  • Web Programming (COEN 276)
  • Internet Architecture and Protocols (COEN 337)


Professional Society Memberships:

Professional Society Responsibilities:

ACM's Frugal Things 2020 Workshop
Role: Publicity Chair
CFP: Frugal Things 2020 Call for Papers
IARIA's AMBIENT 2020 Conference
Role: ACRE Special Track Chair and AMBIENT 2020 Proceedings Co-Editor
CFP: ACRE: Ambient Computing for Rural Environments
IEEE GHTC 2020 Conference
Role: Session Chair
CFP: GHTC 2020 Call for Papers
IEEE ITNAC 2020 Conference
Role: Session Chair
CFP: ITNAC 2020 Call for Papers
EAI's Mobility IoT 2020 Conference
Role: Publicity and Social Media Chair
CFP: Mobility IoT 2020 Call for Papers
EAI's INTETAIN 2020 Conference
Role: General Chair
CFP: INTETAIN 2020 Call for Papers
CFP: INTETAIN 2020 Poster Competition
Program: INTETAIN 2020 Full Program
Proceedings: Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment
Best Paper Certificates:
INTETAIN2020 Best Paper Involving Ethical Considerations of Technology
INTETAIN2020 Best Paper Involving IoT and Haptics
INTETAIN2020 Best Paper Involving XR and AI
Best Poster Certificates:
INTETAIN 2020 Healthcare Innovation Excellence Award
INTETAIN 2020 Most Humanitarian Poster Award
INTETAIN 2020 Most Interdisciplinary and Innovative Poster Award
INTETAIN 2020 Most Mathematically Rigorous Award
IEEE CSCI 2022 Conference
Role: Session Chair
CFP: CSCI 2022 Call for Papers
Springer ICICT 2023 Conference
Role: Session Chair
CFP: CSCI 2022 Call for Papers
Program: CSCI 2022 Conference Program
EAI Smart GIFT 2023 Conference
Role: Local Chair
CFT: SmatrGIFT 2023 Call for Papers
IEEE ITNAC 2023 Conference
Role: Local Chair
Program: 2023 program 
IEEE BMEiCON Conference
Role: Session Chair
CFT: 16th BMEiCON Call For Papers

SCU Student Organization Advisor:

SCU Center Affiliations:

SCU Research Lab Affiliations:


Research Areas (Alphabetical Order):

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Automation
  • Education
  • Ethics
  • Extended Reality (XR: AR/MR/VR)
  • Intelligent Systems (IS)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Neural Networks (NN)
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Web and Mobile Technologies

Current Projects (Alphabetical Order per Area):

Agricultural IoT:
Low cost Dissolved Oxygen monitoring system for aquatic life applications
Internal Articles: Driven to Succeed
Publications: DOxy: Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring | Long-Range Data Transmission for Online Water Quality Monitoring of the Tembling River in Rural Areas of Pahang, Malaysia | Sustainable Surface Water Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring at Lake 7/1F, Shah Alam, Selangor | DOxy: A Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring System
Videos: Data Transmission for Online Water Quality Monitoring in Sg Tembeling Pahang
A Grape Aging Classifier Using Residual Transfer Learning on Drone Images
Publication: GrapeSense: A Grape Aging Classifier Using Residual Transfer Learning On Drone Images | GrapeSense: A Comparative Study of Residual Transfer Learning Models for Grape Aging Classification Using Drone Images
HA (Hydration Automation) - learn more
Energy efficient system for automation of water systems including water tanks, pumps, etc.
Awards: Most Interdisciplinary Award at Ciocca Center's 2020 Business Pitch Competition
Expo presentation: EPICS in IEEE 2019 | EPICS in IEEE 2020
Poster Competitions: Technical Award: $500
Publications: A Low-power Wireless Sensing Unit for Hydro-System Automation | A Sustainable 3D-printed casing for Hydro-System Automation Sensing Units | ÂB: An Energy Aware Communications Protocol (EACP) for the Internet of Things (IoT) | SU 2.0: A Marketable Low-Power Wireless Sensing Unit for Hydration Automation | HA: Smart Tank
HiveSpy  - learn more
Automation of beekeeping with a specific focus on labour shortage and the prevention of hive swarming
Awards: 2018 Forbes AGTECH Thrive X Challenge | Most Social Impact Award at Ciocca Center's 2020 Business Pitch Competition
Blog Posts: HiveSpy: Bringing Automation to Beekeeping
Expo presentation: EPICS in IEEE
Internal Articles: An EPIC Effort to Help Beekeepers in the Spring 2020 issue of Engineering News
Publications: HiveSpy | Identifying Beehive Frames Ready For Harvesting
Research Paper Blockchain (RPB)
A consortium level blockchain for tackling plagiarism and double submission of research papers to conferences and journals
Publication: Research Paper Blockchain
Data Science:
Research into the quantification and visualization of olfactory data
Internal Articles: The Sweet Smell of Career Experience
Paper Prisons - Learn more at
Expungement Tool
Web application for assisting in the identification of qualification for expungement of criminal records as well as assisting individuals with the application process.
Award:Hack-4-Humanity 2020
Publication: A Tool for Narrowing the Second Chance Gap
First Step ID / Reentry ID
Web application for helping newly released rehabilitated citizens obtain/renew their various IDs such as Drivers Licenses.
Award: Hack-4-Humanity 2021
Publication: First Step ID: Helping Rehabilitated Citizens Regain Their Government Issued Identification
Second Chance Gap Initiative
A statistical study of the gap size in individual criminal history expungement of decriminalized offenses for all 50 states.
Articles about the project: To the State Legislature: Fulfill the Promise You Made, Pass the Clean Slate Act Today
Presentations: AI and Hiring: Automating Second Chances
Publication: America's Paper Prisons: The Second Chance Gap | The Estimated Size and Lost Earnings of New York's Second Chance Sealing Gap | The Missouri Second Chance Expungement Gap | The Illinois Second Chance Expungement/Sealing Gap | The Oregon Second Chance Set-Aside Gap
Twitter isn't real life
An analysis of whether the sentiment surrounding a Twitter handle (of politicians or celebrities) is at all an indicator of the sentiment  surrounding the owner of that Twitter handle
Publications: Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Political Approval Ratings for Situational Awareness
Disaster Mitigation and Recovery:
FloMoSys (Flood Monitoring System)
Low cost and energy-efficient Flood Monitoring System
Expo presentation: EPICS in IEEE
First Responder (Firefighters, EMTs, etc.) mobile app and future specialized handheld device(s) for saving lives
Publications: Developing High-Value Technologies for First Responders | Implementing Communications and Information Dissemination Technologies for First Responders
Humanitarian project aiming at the creation, translation, and delivery of highschool level STEM curriculum in 15 different languages to underprivileged students in various provinces of India and neighboring countries.
Publications: ClassRoute: An English to Punjabi Educational Video Translation Pipeline for Supporting Punjabi Mother-Tongue Education | ClassRoute: Bridging the Digital Academic-Content Divide An English to Urdu Educational Video Translation Pipeline to Reinforce Mother-Tongue Based Learning | Automated Generation of Mandarin Educational Multimedia Content from Existing English Cntent
A collection of continuing research on educating students in a STEM environment.
Publications: Student Training in Data Analytics Approaches for Bioprocessing Through Co-Curricular Activities | High School Student Training in Biomedical Engineering Innovation through Co- and extracurricular Activities
SwingBeats: Haptics -
A haptic feedback system for teaching/learning how to dance to music.
Awards: INTETAIN2020 Best Paper Involving IoT and Haptics | 1st Place Award at Ciocca Center's 2021 Business Pitch Competition
Internal Articles: Student presents dance app at Malaysian conference | Tap Dance Revolution
Publications: Requirements Analysis and Preliminary Development of SwingBeats: A Real-Time Haptic Beat Tracking System for Dance Education | An IoT Haptic Feedback Ankle Bracelet (HFAB) for Dance Education
TailorEd - learn more
Custom Image recognition applied to classroom environments in a study of the effects of technology and classroom strategies in learning
Publications: Classroom Configuration Identifier (CCID) | TailorEd: Classroom Configuration and Activity Identifiers (CCID & CAID) | Lecture, Discussion, Group Work, Repeat: Using Aerial Photography and Machine Learning to Study the Use of Writing-Related Pedagogies in STEM Courses and Their Impact on Different Student Subgroups
Video: Course Hero Education Summit 2020
An Energy Aware Communication Protocols (EACP) for use in IoT and other networks which is currently under testing in EPIC Lab's DOxy, HA, and HiveSpy IoT projects.
Publication: ÂB: An Energy Aware Communications Protocol (EACP) for the Internet of Things (IoT)
DeLorean Energy
A software for estimating number of EVs needed in a community for the EVs to be able to play a role in 1) Peak Energy Demand Curve Shaving and 2) Energy Curve Smoothening
Publication: DeLorean Energy: The potential of Asynchronous V2G Fleets as Peak Shaving Units
Extended Reality (XR: AR/MR/VR):
Leveraging Alexa voice control, Unity Engine visualization, and virtual reality (VR) technologies to train designers to create lighting looks using standard industry terminology and commands.
Publication: KeyLight: VR System for Stage Lighting
SwingBeats: XR - learn more
An XR Music visualization addition to the SwingBeats haptic feedback system for dance education.
Financial Technology
A platform for the democratization of political bargaining and fundraising
Health Care Technology
A cost-effective blood oxygen and heart rate monitor using off the shelf components and custom software
Publications: BOxy: A Cost-Effective Blood Oximeter
A machine learning approach for forecasting seasonal influenza outbreaks
Publications: Influenza Forecasting | eVision: Influenza Forecasting Using CDC, WHO, and Google Trends Data | Expanding eVision's Scope of Influenza Forecasting | Expanding eVision's Granularity of Influenza Forecasting | eVision: Epidemic Forecasting on COVID-19 | eVision: Epidemic Forecasting on COVID-19 | eVision: Interplay of Influenza A/B Sub-Types and COVID-19 | Attempts at Enhancing eVision's Influenza Forecasting Using Social Media | eVision: Forecasting the spread of Tuberculosis in India with Deep Learning | Data Gap/Outlier Correction and Treatment | eVision: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Seasonal Trend Forecasting | Exploring Enhancements to the Stacked LSTM Outlier Detection and Correction Method
GluMo (Glucose Monitoring)
Small factor noninvasive blood Glucose Monitoring medial instrumentation
Internal Articles: A Bloodless Coup
Publication: Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring (GluMo) | GluMo: A Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitor
Platform for matching patients with mental health professionals
Cuckoo Prefix
A new data structure for the purpose of blocking IPs leveraging IP subnets that achieves similar throughput rates as cuckoo++ with 8 times less memory usage.
Publication: Cuckoo Prefix: A Hash Set for Compressed IP Blocklists
Divisibility Operator for Large Integers Using Divisibility Rules which can save CPU time and energy consumption
Stacked LSTM
An innovative technique for correcting for data gaps/outliers in time series forecasting
Publications: Data Gap/Outlier Correction and Treatment | Exploring Enhancements to the Stacked LSTM Outlier Detection and Correction Method
Social Media:
New social media platform centered around travel experiences and recommendations from locals.
Twitter isn't real life
An analysis of whether the sentiment surrounding a Twitter handle (of politicians or celebrities) is at all an indicator of the sentiment  surrounding the owner of that Twitter handle
Publications: Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Political Approval Ratings for Situational Awareness | Detecting Fake News Spreaders on Twitter Through Follower Networks
Technology Ethics:
Ethics of Data Indices
A study of the ethical concerns and dangers of metadata ownership.
Publication: ToDI: A Taxonomy of Derived Indices
Ethics of Facial Recognition AI
A study of the ethical concerns and dangers of facial recognition AI systems.
Mobile and web application for making ethical decisions when purchasing products.
Publication: GoodBuys
Drive Health
System for identifying potholes and other road hazards
Publication: Drive Health: Road Condition Detection
Public Transit Hub (PTHub)
Mobile and web application for assisting SCU students with public transportation
Publications: Public Transit Hub (PTHub)
A mobile navigation application that takes the safety of the roads into account when suggesting routes.
Publications: Safe Routes
Videos: Safe Routs

Research Students and Alumni

A person smiling in a red shirt with a black background.

Phone: 1-408-554-4179
Office: SCDI 4025



  • IEEE Senior Membership
  • ICICT Award of Appreciation
  • Outstanding Career Influencer
  • Best Presenter at 2019 IEEE CCWC
  • SCU Staff Team Division Award


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