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Grover, Radhika


Radhika S. Grover is a lecturer in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Santa Clara University. She received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, India, her M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, India, and her Ph.D. from Santa Clara University.

She has been teaching hardware and software courses in the ECEN and CSEN departments at Santa Clara University since 2004. These include courses on machine learning, computer architecture, Verilog HDL, MATLAB, Java, and C programming, multimedia information systems, mechatronics, secure coding, logic analysis and synthesis, and embedded systems. She has a strong interest in accessible design and human-computer interaction. She has led the design and development of a digital book for learning Python programming that can be used by students with blindness. She has provided training to industry audiences. Grover has also taught courses on Java and C Programming at the University of California Santa Cruz, SV Extension. In addition, she has authored a book on Java programming and holds a patent.


Ph.D. Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, California, 2003

M.S. Electrical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, India, 1992

B.S. Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, India, 1991

Recent Publications

Radhika S. Grover. An Obstacle Detecting Sensor for the Blind and Visually Impaired, IEEE RFID, Apr. 15-17, 2015, in San Diego, CA. (poster)

Radhika S. Grover, Shoba Krishna, Terry Shoup, Maryam Khanbaghi. A Competition-based Approach for Undergraduate Mechatronics Education using the Arduino Platform. Interdisciplinary Engineering Design Education Conference (IEDEC), 2014 4th, vol., no., pp. 78-83, 3-3 March 2014. 3

Radhika S. Grover, Qiang Li, and H.-P. Dommel. Performance Study of Data Layout Schemes for a SAN-based video server. Journal of Parallel Computing, Volume 34, Issue 12, December 2008, pages 747-756.

Radhika S. Grover, Qiang Li and George Fegan. Providing Statistical Q.S Guarantees for Interactive Operations in Parallel Multimedia Servers. Proceeding of the 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2004), San Francisco, September 2004.

Radhika S. Grover and Qiang Li. Providing QoS Guarantees in Video Servers with VBR Multi-resolution Video. Proceeding of the SPIE Conference on Multimedia Computing and Networking 2003 (MMCN 2003), Santa Clara, CA, January 29-31, 2003, 79-86.

Radhika S. Grover, Weijia Shang and Qiang Li. Bit-level two’s complement matrix multiplication. Integration, the VLSI Journal, volume 33, issues 1-2 December 2002, pp. 3-21.

Radhika S. Grover, Weijia Shang and Qiang Li. A Faster Distributed Arithmetic Architecture for FPGAs. Proceeding of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA 2002, Monterey, CA, pp. 31-39.

Radhika S. Grover, Weijia Shang and Qiang Li. A Comparison of FPGA Implementations of Bit-Level and Word-Level Matrix Multipliers. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2000. (Lecture notes in Computer Science, 1896 Springer 2000), Villach, Austria, August 27-30 2000, pp. 422-431.

Radhika S. Grover, Shobha Krishnan, Weijia Shang, and Qiang Li. Performance trade-offs of DCT with variable-length carry chains in FPGAs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 2004, pp. 442-448.

Programming with Java: A Multimedia Approach, published by Jones and Bartlett Learning in October 2011.

Grover, Radhika and Tan, Jocelyn, 2019. Reminder device wearable by a user. Patent 10222870. Filed April 2016 and issued March 2019.

Headshot of Radhika Grover

Lecturer of Electrical and Computer Engineering
