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Title: Cybersecurity for Virtual Powerplants

Virtual powerplants introduce network communication and data center based services into the control and management of distributed energy resources. Whether the services are running in a private data center or a public cloud, cybersecurity is critical to ensure that energy delivery is not disrupted by attackers. Over the last 10 years, traditional perimeter-based security solutions have been found lacking in the ability to prevent extensive damage from attacks. Zero trust architectures are a more promising solution and are becoming the default security architecture for enterprise cloud services. This talk reviews the research on zero trust architectures for virtual powerplants and discusses areas still needing work.



Dr. James Kempf graduated from University of Arizona with a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering in 1984 and immediately went to work in Silicon Valley. Since then, he has worked for a variety of large tech companies, including Sun Microsystems, NTT Docomo, Ericsson, Equinix, and VMWare, researching information and telecommunication technologies. In 2019, Dr. Kempf founded a consulting practice to apply his tech background to renewable energy and building decarbonization, and since 2023 Dr. Kempf has been serving as CTO for Whygrene, a virtual powerplant startup based in Seattle. Dr. Kempf has been volunteering with the IEEE Blockchain Technology Task Force since 2019, and worked with the IEEE 2418.5 Blockchain in Energy standardization group. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.


Title: Operational Coordination in a High DER Grid

With increasing levels of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and their ability to provide grid services,
coordination among different entities including prosumers, microgrid operators, DER aggregators, load
serving entities, distribution grid operators, and bulk power market operators is becoming exceedingly
important for grid reliability, resilience, and economic benefits to the stakeholders. This presentation will
address the following topics in the context of coordination across the seams among these entities:

  • Impacts of proliferation of DERs on grid planning and operations
  • DER participation in bulk power markets, and implications on the coordination
    requirements across Transmission and Distribution Interface
  • Moving towards Dynamic Operating Envelopes from static Hosting Capacity limits
  • Illustrative Use Case: A platform for coordinated operation among Aggregators, DSOs, and RTO



Dr. Farrokh Rahimi has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT), along with over 50 years of experience in the electric power industry. In his current role as
Executive Vice President, Market Design and Consulting at Open Access Technology International, Inc.
(OATI), he oversees OATI’s market design initiatives and related consulting services, and is also a key
contributor to OATI’s Smart Grid and Grid Modernization solutions.
Before joining OATI in 2006, he collaborated with California ISO, Folsom, CA for eight years, where he
was engaged in market monitoring and design, and was CAISO’s expert witness in front of the FERC for
CAISO’s nodal market design, MRTU. His prior experience includes eight years with Macro Corporation
(subsequently KEMA Consulting), five years with Systems-Europe, Brussels, Belgium; ten years, as a
university professor, researcher, and consultant in power and industrial control systems, and two years
with Systems Control, Inc. (now Hitachi Energy, Santa Clara, CA), where he started his professional
Dr. Rahimi is actively engaged as a member of a number of Smart Grid and Grid Modernization task
forces and committees collaborating with different ISOs/RTOs, the IEEE, NERC, NIST, NAESB, WECC, IRC,
and GWAC among others.



Dr. Razvan Panati is the Vice President of Product Strategy for Bloom Energy in San Jose, CA. He is responsible for accelerating the market technological leadership of Bloom Energy in providing solutions for Microgrids and EV Charging Infrastructure. Before joining Bloom Energy, he spent 18 years with Siemens in the Industrial and Energy sectors, 2 years with Marelli in the EV Automotive sector and 10 years as a Professor at several Universities. During his 30 years long career Razvan has been leading international and cross-functional teams of experts, covering R&D, Product Management and Business Development topics. He coordinated the development of technologies and applications in Power Generation, Power Conversion, Electromobility, Motion Control and Microgrid Management. He published more than 50 papers and articles in journals, international conferences and engineering publications, and holds several patents for his inventions in the area of process and motion control.


Title: Empowering Global Solar Adoption through Data Communication Standards

In the rapidly evolving landscape of renewable energy, particularly solar power, the need for standardized data communication has never been more critical. This presentation delves into the pivotal role of solar data communication standards in accelerating global solar adoption. Drawing upon a rich tapestry of experiences, including challenges faced and breakthroughs achieved, the speaker will unfold the narrative of how adherence to standards a regulatory compliance is not merely requirement, but a strategic advantage that can effectively accelerate the adoptions of the solar industry, while minimizing the technological and business risks associated with the explosive growth of the solar industry.

In California's grid modernization journey, the requirement for smart inverters to comply with new solar
data communication standards showcased the importance of standards in maintaining grid stability and
solving the solar saturation challenges. The speaker’s a decade experience of leading the rigorous solar
inverter standard testing and certification projects not only fortified the speaker's position in the subject
matters, but also underscored her forth sights on the potential of standards to catalyze industry leadership. Extending the dialogue, the speaker will transport the audience to the Pacific Islands, where she proposed to standardize utility grid requirements across twenty-two islands highlights an innovative approach to expedite solar adoption, mitigating climate change impacts with cost-effective solutions.

Attendees will gain insights into:

  • The transformative impact of solar data communication standards.
  • The strategic process of achieving and implementing these standards.
  • The broader implications of standards in fostering global solar adoption and fighting climate change.

This presentation is a call to action for utilities, corporations, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and stakeholders to embrace and contribute to the development of solar industry standards with global collaborations, thereby securing a sustainable, solar-powered future.


Susanna Huang blends the precision of an engineer, the insight of a management consultant, and the
imagination of a poet to pioneer transformative business strategies and sustainability solutions. As a seasoned Accenture consultant turned solar entrepreneur and former board member of SunsSpec Alliance, Susanna has navigated the complexities of global corporate landscapes and the dynamic challenges of the renewable energy sector with equal adeptness, embodying a unique East-meets-West business philosophy.

Her journey from the academic rigors of China's top universities Tsinghua and Xi’an Jiaotong Universities to the innovative forefront of the solar industry in the United States, and onto the reflective paths of authorship and speaking, showcases a relentless pursuit of purpose, innovation, and holistic growth. Susanna's work is underpinned by the Enso's Inner House of Business Framework, a testament to her belief in integrating Zen principles with business practices to foster sustainable success, environmental stewardship, and personal well-being.

Susanna's narratives weave through the realms of strategic business development, renewable energy advocacy, and the poetic reflection on life's deeper meanings. Her upcoming book, "Little Stone Lion" promises to be a beacon for entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone aspiring to meld their professional pursuits with genuine passion and purpose. Susanna has led the solar inverter local product development and standard certifications for a top 3 global solar manufacturer for over 10 years in the United States.

Through her speaking engagements and teaching, Susanna inspires a diverse audience, from corporate
veterans to aspiring entrepreneurs, to embrace sustainability, mindfulness, and the courage to lead with
authenticity and foresight. Her personal brand embodies resilience, creativity, and the harmonious balance between achieving worldly success and nurturing the soul.

The Enso's Inner House of Business Framework Mastery program is expertly led by Susanna Huang, an award-winning, top-brand, multi-million-dollar solar entrepreneur, and a former Accenture management consultant turned pioneering Zen-inspired Business Strategist. By fusing the tranquil principles of Zen with her extensive strategic business expertise, Susanna crafts a transformative path to success for forward-thinking leaders.

Award List:
Prestigious Open Standards Champion Award from SunSpec Alliance - Susanna Huang
BBB A+ Rating - Green Energy Village dba Enso Circle Space, former DBA Ginlong Solis USA
The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business - Pace Setter Award


Title: Renewable Energy and Batteries Trend for Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality

To address Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality, we will introduce US Renewable & Clean Energy Targets, U.S. industrial and commercial solar development, as well as Clean Energy integration into Power Grid & Energy Security- Applications in Energy Efficiency and Demand Response. Then discussion will focus on Renewable energy, Batteries trend and Energy storage for Sustainable Development in California.


Xiaofeng has over 30 years of experience in Smart Grids, Electricity Markets and Renewable Energy. She has worked with global leading companies in USA. She was International Marketing Director, Howard Industrial Inc. and JA Solar USA; Sr. Project Manager at Pacific Gas and Electric Company (NYSE: PCG); Product Manager and China Marketing Manager at ABB Inc. (NYSE: ABB). Previously she worked with the Chinese Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI) in Beijing, where her research project OPF won a National Scientific Technology Award. She served as a panelist at various conferences, in areas of “Voltage/VAR Optimization” and “Market-Based Demand Response”, etc. She is a co-author of the book “Electricity Market Operation System”.

Ms. Zhang is a Founder and President of Global Green Development Alliance. She is Vice President of IEEE Smart Village, and Chair of IEEE Smart Village-China Working Group (ISV-CWG); IEEE Life Senior member. She is Chair of the Silicon Valley Women Alliance (SVWA).


Title: Role of AI/ML for modernizing the grid to achieve energy transition: A GE Vernova Perspective

Dr. Tapan Shah is a Senior Machine Learning Scientist at GE Vernova Advanced Research. He has over 10 years of experience in developing and deploying ML applications for performance and reliability optimization of safety-critical autonomous energy and infrastructure systems. His research interests lie in the areas of using ML for optimization and developing robust and efficient ML applications. He leads industry-academia collaborations in advancing the use of ML to modernize the electric grid through the energy transition.

Dr. Shah is one of the inventors of “Entropy Economy”, novel paradigm which jointly optimizes the grid and compute. He is also the co-chair of the DOE EES2 roadmap on software and algorithms. Dr. Shah is the author of 5 granted patents and over 20 peer-reviewed publications. Prior to joining GE, he completed his PhD in computer science from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India.


Title: A Microgrid Controller that Facilitates DER and Renewables

This presentation will give an overview of a microgrid controller called GridMaster on its configuration, features, functionality, and various field application cases.



George Zhou, Manager, Consulting and Analytical Services, S&C Electric Company

Dr. Zhou has three decades of professional experience in power engineering in industry and academia and is a power system consulting expert. He is currently Manager of Consulting and Analytical Services at S&C Electric Company. Previously, he was a Principal Consultant with Siemens Power Technologies International. He manages and provides consulting services to world-wide energy industry clients including electric utilities, independent system operators, renewable generation developers, and regulatory organizations. His expertise includes transmission and distribution system planning and operations, renewable resource integration and modeling, smart grid, energy storage, distributed energy resources, real time control, electric utility software system development, reliability risk assessment, and NERC Reliability Standards regulatory compliance. Dr. Zhou is a Senior Member of the IEEE and a registered Professional Engineer in California. He received his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University.


Title: Load Restoration in Islanded Microgrids: Formulation and Solution Strategies

Dr. Yu Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department of University of California, Santa Cruz. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota and was a postdoc at UC Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. His research interests span the spectrum from theory to practice that include

  • Monitoring, learning, and management for smart power grids
  • Optimal resource allocation for cyber-physical systems
  • Robust, stochastic, and online optimization
  • Deep learning and AI


Title: Human Interactions with Cyber-Physical Systems

Thomas Roth, National Institute of Standards and Technology


Stephen Honikman has over 20 years of experience in the energy and technology industries. Stephen began their career in 1998 as a business development director at USWeb. Stephen then moved on to become the VP Operations at whouseswhat in 1999, the Director of Web Partnerships at AudioBasket in 2000, and the International Business Manager at Siemens Enterprise Communications in 2001. In 2004, they began working as a consultant for TCHonikman PhD. In 2009, they became an Independent Contractor for Wind Farm Development. From 2010 to 2019, they were the Managing Partner of Wiser Capital LLC. In 2019, they co-founded Emergent Microgrid, which was acquired by Electriq Power in 2020. Stephen currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Electriq Power.

Stephen Honikman began their education in 1986 at Dos Pueblos, before attending Boston University from 1990 to 1994, where they studied International Relations and Economics. Stephen then attended Washington University in St. Louis from 1995 to 1998, earning a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from the School of Law, as well as an MSTHA in Emerging Energy Technology and Commercialization.


Hamed Nademi, California State San Marcos