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June 2023 Five10 Report


Dear Students, Parents, Alumni, and Friends of the School of Engineering,

Broncos, as we approach the end of the spring quarter, let us take a moment to reflect and acknowledge our strides and accomplishments from this year and let this serve as a catalyst for growth, moving us forward with a renewed determination and commitment to our goals. Before we begin the summer break, I would like to highlight some exciting news and events that have happened over the second half of the quarter. Read below about this year’s faculty promotions, Senior Design recap, retiring faculty, and more on the last Five10 Report of this Academic Year.

Wishing you all a restful summer and congratulations to those of you graduating next weekend,


Elaine P. Scott, Ph.D.
School of Engineering

School News

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Senior Design: This year, we welcomed hundreds of guests at the 53rd Annual Senior Design Conference. The event featured a remarkable display of talent, as 225 senior Broncos proudly presented their outstanding capstone projects in a series of 18 sessions held across our campus. The showcase featured 76 unique projects evaluated by 90 judges. 

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Katie Wilson (Electrical and Computer Engineering), who joined the School of Engineering as assistant professor of the electrical and computer engineering department nearly twenty years ago, is retiring this summer and will continue her tenure as Professor Emeritus. At Santa Clara, Katie has made her mark as a passionate teacher and mentor. She has taught our fundamental courses and also advanced electives in communications. Beyond the classroom, Katie actively contributed to the school and university through extensive committee work, including her role as faculty senate president. Recognized for her expertise, she was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) “for contributions to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.” From all at the School of Engineering, we wish you all of the best, Katie!

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Steve A. Chiappari (Applied Mathematics), who joined the School of Engineering as a Lecturer for the Department of Applied Mathematics thirty years ago, is retiring this year. Steve is a passionate teacher of undergraduate and graduate courses and served as chair of the department for eighteen years. He also served as co-director of the Center for Advanced Study and Practice of Information Assurance for many years. Steve's devotion to his students and support for his faculty made him an exemplary role model for all. With a unanimous vote, Steve was awarded the Senior Lecturer Emeritus title. From all at the School of Engineering, we wish you all of the best, Steve!

Faculty News

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Maya Ackerman (Computer Science and Engineering) has been awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor. Congratulations, Maya!

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Maryam Khanbaghi (Electrical and Computer Engineering) has been awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor. Congratulations, Maryam!

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Yuling Yan (Bioengineering) has been appointed as the new Phil and Bobbie Sanfilippo Endowed Professor. Congratulations, Yuling!

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Jes Kuczenski (General Engineering) and Allan Báez Morales (Frugal Innovation Hub) are awarded a research grant from the Environmental Justice and the Common Good Initiative in partnership with the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship. Their project, "Nurturing the Future: Engineering Students Tackle Food Insecurity through Community Gardening," in collaboration with engineering students in ENGR 1L - Introduction to Engineering Lab, will utilize local community gardens and urban farms to combat food insecurity and raise awareness about the nitrogen cycle's role in food production. The grant will help support the School of Engineering to reimagine its first-year curriculum to focus on sustainability and grand challenges for engineering, creating new student research opportunities that offer a multidisciplinary perspective and include human-centered design to address environmental challenges and their social and societal impact. Congratulations, Jes and Allan!

Student News

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Kairan Quazi '23 (Computer Science and Engineering) was acknowledged by the City of Santa Clara at their City Council meeting this week for achieving a remarkable milestone as the youngest graduate in the history of Santa Clara University. Read Kairan's profile in the San Jose Mercury News. Congratulations, Kairan!

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Supetai Well Filtration System: Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering students Nicholas Holtz '23, Shirley Naranjo '23, and Eduardo Villegas Chavez '23 traveled to Kenya to lead a project for clean drinking water. Their aim: to minimize fluoride exposure to children and to preserve the environment. They collaborated closely with the local community, school, an on-site contractor, students Alena Etha Mae Clark, Matthias Van Ongevalle, Defne Kincir, and Professor Gäel Janssens from KU Leuven University, Belgium, and Sabore’s Well to ensure project success. Throughout their project, they learned lessons beyond engineering, including communicating effectively, the need to seek input from the local community, and the importance of thorough research and awareness of cultural differences when working on similar projects abroad.

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Noah Kuehn '23 (Bioengineering) is one of thirteen students from SCU who has achieved an incredible feat by being chosen as one of the esteemed semi-finalists for the highly prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student program for the 2023-2024 academic year. Noah’s involvement on campus includes Cowell Center (EMS), Markkula Center, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society, and Tau Beta Pi Honor Society. Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment, Noah!

Alumni News

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What's the latest? We're eager to celebrate your remarkable accolades, achievements, and awards. If you have an intriguing story to share, we're all ears! Stay tuned for a submission form coming soon on the first Fall issue of the Five10 Report.

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