To conduct, promote, and nurture nanoscale science and technology, interdisciplinary research and education activities at the University, and to position the University as a national center of innovation in nanoscience education and nanostructures research.
- Initiate and sustain interdisciplinary research efforts in the areas of nanoscale science and technology related to the interests of participating faculty
- Pioneer curriculum development in nanoscale science and technology, integrated with ongoing research
- Collaborate with the Center for Science, Technology and Society in studying the impact of nanoscale science and technology on society
Message from the Director
Welcome to the TENT Laboratory at the Center for Nanostructures (CNS)! As an interdisciplinary enterprise for research in the diverse field of nanoscale science and technology, TENT, which stands for Thermal and Electrical Nanoscale Transport, builds upon existing CNS faculty and staff strengths and initiatives, and incorporates established partnerships in nanotechnology with NASA Ames Research Center, Applied Materials, and Hitachi High Technologies America (HHTA), as well as ongoing relationships with other organizations in the Bay Area and overseas. We are still in building mode, physically as well as in this cyberspace. A summary of the Laboratory's current scope of activities and personnel can be found on this website. Please contact me if you wish to receive additional information and if you have any comments or suggestions.
Current Members

Associate Director
Assoc. Prof. of Mechanical Engineering

Director of Dry Lab Operations

Undergraduate Researcher

Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering

Director, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Yang's CV