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Department ofComputer Science and Engineering


With the latest industry-standard technical software installed on the systems in the Engineering Computing Center's 10 computer labs—5 Microsoft Windows, 5 Centos Linux—your computing needs are covered.

Here in the ECC, students take classes, meet with friends to work on homework or extra-curricular projects, print out their assignments, and get the job done. Remote labs are generally available 24/7 (Learn more about remote access).

Trained laboratory staff is always on duty and the doors are open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., with extended hours until 2 a.m. during the ramp-up and through finals week.

Learn more about the ECC here.

Research Laboratories (Alphabetical Order):

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Laboratory 

The Cloud Laboratory

The Computing Systems & Informatics Laboratory (CSI Lab)

The Data Science Laboratory

The Humanitarian Computing Laboratory 

Internet of Things Research Laboratory (SIOTLAB)

The Machine Learning and Computational Genomics Laboratory 

The Multimedia Visual Processing Laboratory (MVP Lab)

The Network Security and Optimization Laboratory 

The Sustainable Systems Laboratory 

The Trustworthy Computing Laboratory 

The Video and Image Processing Laboratory

Contact Us

Chair: Prof. Silvia Figueira

Department Manager (contact for Graduate Matters): 
Pam Lin 408-554-6805

Department Manager (contact for Undergraduate Matters): 
Valerie Woitte 408-554-5281

Computer Science and Engineering
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

SCDI Bergin, Bldg. 203