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Department of Bioengineering

Ronald B. Schilling, Ph.D.

Ronald B. Schilling

Ronald B. Schilling obtained his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) from Polytechnic Institute of New York, his M.S. (Electrical Engineering) from Princeton University and a B.S. from the City College of New York.

Dr. Schilling has 35 years of operating and general management experience in the medical device and technology industries. He was formerly Senior Vice President and General Manager of Toshiba America Medical Systems and during his tenure increased revenue from $85M to $400M in four years. Prior to his position at Toshiba, Dr. Schilling helped shape the evolution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging as President of the MRI Division of Diasonics. He also spent seven years at General Electric Medical Systems, where he held several positions: Director of Computerized Tomography Marketing, Director of Far Eastern Operations, Director of Strategic Planning, and General Manager of GE's X-Ray business. Prior to his entering the diagnostic imaging market Dr. Schilling spent fifteen years in the field of integrated circuits and microprocessors at RCA and Motorola.

Dr. Schilling has served on the Board of Advisors of the Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR), where he recently received an outstanding achievement award. He was elected a Fellow of AIMBE (the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering) in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of medical and biological engineering.

Dr. Schilling joined Mi3 Venture Partners in 2000. Ron brings a wealth of operating experience to help guide young companies, particularly in the area of introducing new products to the market. He represents Mi3 on the Boards of Quick Study Radiology and superDimension.