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All publications can be purchased directly from the de Saisset Museum, unless otherwise noted. To inquire about purchasing a book or catalogue, please contact or 408.554.4528.
Cover for Brian Wall: Squaring the Circle 

Brian Wall: Squaring the Circle

Essays by Lindsey Kouvaris, Paul J. Karlstrom, and George W. Neubert
Edited by Peter Selz

Copyright © 2015 Hackett|Mill published in association with the de Saisset Museum
80 p.

No longer available for purchase through the de Saisset Museum.


Mirang Wonne: Fire Script

Essay by Lindsey W. Kouvaris

Copyright © 2014 de Saisset Museum
Tri-fold brochure

Available at no cost upon request.


Jeweled Prosthetics: Jewelry as Extension of Self

Essay by Melissa Behravesh

Copyright © 2012 de Saisset Museum
Tri-fold brochure

Available at no cost upon request.


Hobos to Street People: Artists' Responses to Homelessness from the New Deal to the Present

Essays by Art Hazelwood with an Afterword by Paul Boden

Copyright © 2011 Art Hazelwood
Published in 2011 by Freedom Voices
84 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Art of Richard Mayhew

Essays by Bridget Cooks, Lizzetta LeFalle-Collins, and Nashormeh Lindo
Edited by Melissa Leventon

Copyright © 2009 Museum of African Diaspora, San Francisco
95 p.

$18 Museum members
$20 Non-members 


Evri Kwong: Just Pretend Everything is OK

Essays by Diane Karp and Karen Kienzle

Copyright  © 2008 de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University
40 p.

$9 Museum members
$10 Non-members


Eye of the Sixties: Vision, Body, and Soul—Selections from the Collection of Harry W. and Mary Margaret Anderson

Essays by Andrea Pappas, Karen Kienzle, Paul Crowley, S.J., and The Anderson Graphic Arts Collection Sharing Program
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 2008 de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University
80 p.

$12 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Mithilia Painting: The Evolution of an Art Form

By David Szanton and Malini Bakshi

Copyright © 2007 Ethnic Arts Foundation, PinkMango, LLC
91 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Miniature Worlds: Art from India

Essay by Alice R. M. Hyland, Ph.D.

Copyright © 2007 ExhibitsUSA
4 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Variations of Grass, Light, and the Wind: The Plant Dye Art of Kim Jung Hwa

By Kim Jung Hwa

Copyright © 2007 Kim Jung Hwa

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Dark Detour: On the Edge of Town

By Tracey Snelling

Copyright © 2005 Tracey Snelling
10 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Dark Matter: The Art of David Huffman

Essay by Bridget R. Cooks, Ph.D.

Copyright © 2004 de Saisset Museum
1 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Peaceful Painter Hisako Hibi: Memories of an Issei Woman Artist

By Hisako Hibi and Ibuki H. Lee
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp and Karen Kienzle

Copyright © 2004 Heyday Books
75 p.

$18 Museum members
$20 Non-members


Pressing Pleasures: Recent Prints by Matt Phillips

Essay by Karen Kienzle

Copyright © 2004 de Saisset Museum
28 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Translucent Transformations: Joseph Zirker

Essays by Robert Flynn Johnson, Anita Ventura Mozley, and Joseph Zirker
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp and Karen Kienzle

Copyright © 2004 de Saisset Museum
49 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


The Innocents

By Taryn Simon, Peter Neufeld, and Barry Scheck

Copyright © 2003 Umbrage Editions, Inc.
104 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Recovered Views: African American Portraits, 1912-1925

By Edward F. Zimmer and Abigail B. Davis

Copyright © 2003 Nebraska State Historical Society
52 p.



Theatrical Realism: The Art of Inez Storer

Essays by Bill Berkson, Andrea Pappas, Karen Kienzle, and Cathy Kimball
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 2003 de Saisset Museum
64 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Painterly Proofs: Prints by Hung Liu

Essay by Karen Kienzle

Copyright © 2002 de Saisset Museum
8 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Alaska Gold: Life on the New Frontier

Essay by Jack Hotchkiss

Copyright © 2001 de Saisset Museum
1 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Father Hubbard: Glacier Priest

Essay by Jeff Kunkel

Copyright © 2001 de Saisset Museum
1 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Game Face: What Does a Female Athlete Look Like?

By Jane Gotesman and Penny Marshall
Edited by Geoffrey Biddle

Copyright © 2001 Random House, Inc.
224 p.

$17.95 Museum members
$19.95 Non-members


Impossible to Forget: The Nazi Camps Fifty Years After

By Michael Kenna, Pierre Borhan, and Clement Cheroux

Copyright © 2001 Nazraeli Press
128 p.

$54 Museum members
$60 Non-members


Americanos: Latino Life in the United States

Edited by Elizabeth Goldson

Copyright © 1999 Smithsonian Institution
1 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Art of Collaborative Printmaking: Smith Andersen Editions

Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 1999 de Saisset Museum
12 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


AVODA: Tobi Kahn

Essay by Tom L. Freudenheim

Copyright © 1999 Tom L. Freudenheim
2 p.

No longer available for purchase.


 A Closer Look at Santos/ Una Mirada más Profunda á los Santos

Copyright © 1999 de Saisset Museum and The Smithsonian Center of Material, Research, and Education
20 p.

$4.50 Museum members
$5 Non-members


Imágenes e Historias/Images and Histories: Chicano Altar-Inspired Art

Essays by Amalia Mesa-Bains, Elizabeth López, Víctor Alejandro Soreel, and Rex Koontz
Edited by Constance Cortez

Copyright © 1999 Tufts University Gallery
66 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Ann Hogle: The Refocused Frame, 1978-1998

By Ann Hogle

Copyright © 1998 Fresno Art Museum
44 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Art Guys: Common Sense

Interview by JoAnne Northrup

Copyright © 1998 de Saisset Museum

No longer available for purchase.


Our Saints Among Us: 400 Years of New Mexican Devotional Art

Barbe Awalt and Paul Rhetts, with essays by Thomas J. Steele, S.J., and Charles M. Carrillo, Ph.D.

Copyright © 1998 LPD Enterprises
192 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Educated Eye

By Kelly Detweiler, Susan Felter, Sam Hernandez, and Gerald Sullivan, S.J.
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp
Edited by Jo Farb Hernandez

Copyright © 1997 de Saisset Museum
21 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Four Artists from the Walter Bischoff Galerie: Michael Danner, Rainer Görβ, and the Zhou Brothers

Introduction by JoAnne Northrup and Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 1996 de Saisset Museum
15 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Art Guys: Think Twice

By Lynn M. Herbert, Dave Hickey, Walter Hopps, and David Lee Strauss

Copyright © 1995 Contemporary Arts Museum
96 p.

No longer available for purchase.



Chester Arnold: Paintings 1988-1994

Essay by Kenneth Baker
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 1995 de Saisset Museum
36 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Marguerite Saegesser: Paintings, Memories, and Dreams

Essays by Hilarie Faberman
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 1995 de Saisset Museum
18 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members



Fragments: Images in the Art of Contemporary Print

Essay by Brigid S. Barton, with Jeannine Pailhe and Rachel Wright
Introduction by Rebecca M. Schapp

Copyright © 1994 de Saisset Museum
15 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Vision Quest: Men, Women, and Sacred Sites of the Sioux Nation 

By Don Doll

Copyright © 1994 Crown
160 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Kein, Stein, Sein

By Michael Danner

Copyright © 1993 by Michael Danner and Walter Bischoff Galarie
72 p.

No longer available for purchase.


David Rankin: Witness Paintings, 1989-1991

Essay by Robert H. McDonald

Copyright © 1992 de Saisset Museum
12 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Old Ties, New Attachments: Italian-American Folklife in the West

Edited by David A. Taylor and John Alexander Williams

Copyright © 1992 American Folklife Center
221 p.

No longer available for purchase.


La Cittá del Brunelleschi/The City of Brunelleschi

Essays by Francesco Gurrieri, Vittorio Franchetti Pardo, and G. Carla Romby

Copyright © 1991 Electra
54 p.



Jesuit Art in North American Collections

By Jane Ten Brink Goldsmith, J. Patrice Marandel, J. Patrick Donnelly, S.J., and J.B. Harley

Copyright © 1991 Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art
72 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Morris Graves: Works of Fifty Years

Essay by Robert McDonald

Copyright © 1990 de Saisset Museum
31 p.



Focus: Photographs from the Collection of Helen Johnston

Essays by Robert McDonald, Richard Lorenz, and Judith Dunham

Copyright © 1989 de Saisset Museum
48 p.



Abstract Options

Essay by Phyllis Plous and Frances Colpitt

Copyright © 1988 Regents of the University of California
68 p.

No longer available for purchase.


A Faculty for Art

Essays by Robert McDonald, Brigid Barton, and Judith Dunham

Copyright © 1988 de Saisset Museum
26 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Joan Snyder Collects Joan Snyder

Essays by Betty Klausner, Joan Snyder, and Hayden Herrera

Copyright © 1988 Santa Barbara Contemporary Art Forum
40 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Jud Fine

By Ronald J. Onorato

Copyright © 1988 La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art
48 p.

No longer available for purchase.


19.9.41: A Day in the Warsaw Ghetto

Edited by Yitzchak Mais

Copyright © 1988 Yad Vashem Museum
38 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Art in a Corporate Context: Selections from Bay Area Collections

Essay by Terri Cohn

Copyright © 1987 de Saisset Museum
4 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Harold Paris Bronzes

Essay by Bob L. Nugent with Jill E. Bacon
Edited by Kristin Hartman

Copyright © 1987 Sonoma State University
12 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Photographs Beget Photographs

Edited by Margaret Todd Maitland

Copyright © 1987 Minneapolis Institute of Arts
60 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Speak You Have the Tools: Social Serigraphy in the Bay Area, 1966-1986

Essay by Michael Rossman
Edited by Terri Cohn

Copyright © 1987 de Saisset Museum
3 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Artists and the Machine, 1910-1940

Essay by Georgianna M. Lagoria

Copyright © 1986 de Saisset Museum
17 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Henrietta Shore

Essay by Richard Lorenz and Robert McDonald

Copyright © 1986 de Saisset Museum
5 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Henrietta Shore: A Retrospective Exhibition, 1990-1963

Essays by Roger Aikin and Richard Lorenz
Edited by Jo Farb Hernandez

Copyright © 1986 Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art
72 p.

No longer available for purchase.


"I'm not crazy, I just Lost my glasses." Portraits and Oral Histories of People Who Have Been In and Out of Mental Institutions

By Lony Shavelson

Copyright © 1986 de Novo Press
90 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Judy Dater: Twenty Years

By James L. Enyeart

Copyright © 1986 University of Arizona Press
156 p.



The Consolidated Freightways, Inc. Collection

By Kristen Paulson with Raymond F. O'Brien and Judy Kay

Copyright © 1985 Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
150 p.



Contemporary Monotype: Six Masters

Essay by Terri Cohn

Copyright © 1985 de Saisset Museum
20 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Video Transformations

Essay and notes by Lois Bianchi

Copyright © 1985 Independent Curators, Inc.
21 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Edward Steichen: The Portraits

Essay by Christian A. Peterson

Copyright © 1984 At Museum Association of America
42 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Morris Graves: Works from Local Collections

Essay by Robert McDonald

Copyright © 1984 Art Museum of Santa Cruz County
7 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Beth Van Hoesen: Paintings, Drawings, and Prints

Essay by Robert Flynn Johnson

Copyright © 1983 Beth Van Hoesen
19 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Realism and Abstraction: German Art of the Twenties

Essay by Brigid S. Barton

Copyright © 1983 de Saisset Museum
30 p.



Art Faculty Exhibition

Essays by Sam Hernandez and Brigid S. Barton

Copyright © 1982 de Saisset Museum
31 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Northern California Art of the Sixties

Essays by Georgianna M. Lagoria and Fred Martin

Copyright © 1982 de Saisset Museum
56 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


Contemporary Hand Colored Photographs

Essay by Georgianna M. Lagoria

Copyright © 1981 de Saisset Museum
51 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


The Candy Store

Copyright © 1980 de Saisset Museum
12 p.



German Expressionist Woodcuts

Essays by Brigid S. Barton and Robert Gore Rifkind

Copyright © 1980 de Saisset Museum
5 p.

$13.50 Museum members
$15 Non-members


John Altoon

Essays by Brigid S. Barton and Gerald Nordland

Copyright © 1980 de Saisset Museum
44 p.



The Permanent Collection

Essays and notes by Brigid S. Barton with Cheryl Raasch Mitchell, Benedict Giese, Tracy Irwin, Teresa Pugh, and Diana Smith

Copyright © 1979 de Saisset Museum
22 p.

No longer available for purchase.


The Graham Nash Collection

Edited by Graham Nash, Susan Nash, and Graham Howe

Copyright © 1979 The Nash Press
71 p.

No longer available for purchase.


James W. McManus: Sculpture

Statements by James W. McManus, Louis Allrich, and Lydia Modi Vitale

Copyright © 1977
33 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Henrietta Berk

Quotes from Miriam Dungan Cross, Alexander Fried, and Dean Wallace

Copyright © 1972 de Saisset Museum
16 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Scholder Collects Scholder

Statements by Lydia Modi Vitale and Fritz Scholder

Copyright © 1972 de Saisset Museum
28 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Twenty Color Photographs: Light Abstractions: Wynn Bullock

Introduction by Don Beatty
Statement by Wynn Bullock

Copyright © 1972 de Saisset Museum
16 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Wynn Bullock

Essay by Barbara Bullock

Copyright © 1969 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
16 p.

No longer available for purchase.


Eye of Your Umbrella

By Lydia Modi Vitale

Copyright © 1968 de Saisset Museum
8 p.

No longer available for purchase.