Located adjacent to Mission Santa Clara de Asís, and often considered the de facto "Mission museum," the de Saisset offers a variety of resources to support research and learning about the history of Santa Clara.

Moving Forward: Santa Clara's Story of Transformation
In 2013 the de Saisset Museum published an iBooks Textbook focused on the history of Santa Clara from the Native Ohlone to the Mission era, through the Rancho period and the Gold Rush, and up to the early days of Santa Clara College. Moving Forward is the first Multi-Touch book to highlight the history of one of California's historic missions. The iBooks Textbook is available as a free download on the iBooks Store.

Mission Santa Clara Brochure
Written by Teresa Pugh, this downloadable Mission Santa Clara Brochure tells the story of the founding of the Mission and its early history. A quick read and appropriate for any age, the brochure is a favorite among young students completing their mission projects.

California History Curriculum Guide
In an effort to enhance our offerings and to provide added resources to students, teachers, and the community, the de Saisset Museum developed a curriculum guide focused on the culture and traditions of Native California. The California History Curriculum Guide, which was supported by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, was distributed to area schools at no cost and is now available as a free download.

California History Docent Tours
The de Saisset offers guided tours of the permanent California History exhibition, Mission Santa Clara de Asís, and the nearby Mission Gardens. Geared primarily to fourth grade school groups, the tour focuses on the history of Santa Clara Valley from pre-European contact to the Mission Period. Using a combination of digital content, hands-on activities, and historical objects, volunteer docents provide compelling tours that aim to bring the history of Santa Clara Valley alive.