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Renew an Existing RSO

RSOs are required to renew each spring if they plan to be active during the next academic year.

The deadline for RSO renewal for the 2024-25 academic year is 5:00pm on May 24, 2024.

In order to renew your RSO, your student organization (club) must first meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Have at least 2 undergraduate students serve as club officers, particularly president and treasurer
  • Have at least 15 self-selecting members, which may include club officers
  • Have all club officers be undergraduate students
  • Have a majority of members be undergraduate students

Having an advisor is also required. However, your club is automatically assigned an advisor through the Center for Student Involvement.

Although not required, you may have an additional faculty/staff advisor. Regardless, you will at least have a Center for Student Involvement advisor who counts as your required advisor.

Complete the online RSO Renewal Form.

Here are a few steps described in detail:

Once your club has submitted all required material as part of the renewal process, the Center for Student Involvement performs a review of eligibility to ensure all requirements are fulfilled. If so, you will be contacted to formally announce that your RSO is renewed for the next academic year.

Recently approved provisional student organizations (PSOs) do not need to renew for the next academic year since approval to become registered student organizations (RSOs) equates to renewal. Their next renewal deadline will be the following year.

For More Information

Contact: Victor Pineda