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Trips Within the U.S.

Learn more about the approval process managed by the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) for student organization trips and off-campus activities within the U.S.


For any trip or off-campus activity within the U.S. -- whether in California or any other parts of the country as well as U.S. territories like the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and Guam -- student organizations need to complete and submit the following to CSI:

Trip & Off-Campus Activity Request Form (online form)

  • Deadline: at least 5 business days prior to the trip/activity.
  • For this form the requested information is self explanatory as it asks for detailed information about participants, destination, transportation, and lodging.
  • Be as detailed as possible and attach any requested documents.

Participant Agreement Form (online form)

  • Deadline: at least 2 business days prior to the trip/activity.
  • For this form, each person going on the trip needs to read, complete all sections, and sign (typed signature).

Driver Agreement Form (online form) -- if applicable

  • Deadline: at least 2 business days prior to the trip/activity.
  • For this form, each person who is driving needs to read, complete all sections, and sign (typed signature).
  • The expectation is that the driver has valid driver documents (i.e. not expired).
  • Remember, it is against the law to drive with expired documents!
  • Also, if some or all of the drivers have filled out this form for another trip earlier in the academic year, then they do not need to do this again (Driver Agreement Forms are valid for the entire academic year).

If you are not sure if your trip would require the above forms, consult with your CSI advisor to verify. Your advisor is also your main point of contact as you plan your trip.

In Case of an Accident or Emergency

Report any and all accidents and emergencies (no matter how minor or major) as soon as possible to Tedd Vanadilok (, 847-372-4104).