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The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart

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The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart
Carmelite Sisters

A vocation to the consecrated life is a specific call from God to a specific person. It is real. It is compelling. It is an invitation.  The same invitation given to the apostles – “Come, follow Me.” How did they respond?  “They left their nets and followed Him.”

In the call to the consecrated life, God places within the heart of a person a desire for something more.  A desire for a more profound relationship with God. In a word, it is desire for a total gift of self to Christ.

Our lives of consecration are mirrored on the life of Jesus Christ who was chaste, poor, and obedient. Thus, we profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 

If this resonates in your own heart and soul, our Lord is inviting you to be open to the possibility of a life of intimate relationship with Him. Seek out the advice of a trusted priest or sister as you begin your journey of religious vocation discernment.

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