Inspired by the Past. Dedicated to the Future. Committed to the Present.

This is the vocation of the Carmelite Life – loving service to God’s people overflowing from our prayer.

Pray. Encourage. Join. franciscans.org

“Each person must discover his or her own personal vocation and respond to it with generosity.”— Pope John Paul II

As Teresian Carmelite friars we strive to live a zealous life of allegiance to Jesus for the salvation of souls, in the contemplative and missionary spirit of St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross.

We are Preachers – Dedicated to Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Our apostolate follows upon preaching and teaching the Truth in order to gain souls for the Kingdom of Christ.

"We are women of the word, uniquely individual who choose to walk together reaching out to spread the light" (24th General Chapter Direction Statement).

Preachers of Truth * Love * Justice

"The past is prologue. God is calling us to somewhere new, a place we do not yet recognize." —Fr. Jose Carballo, OFM

Our Lady of Sorrows

“Universal like the Church"

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam + "...for the greater glory of God"

"...to provide a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor, according to the ministry which the Church has entrusted to it.” (The Rule of the Brothers of the Christian Schools)

"Once we find ourselves in this beautiful relationship with God...the next step is what are we going to do with our life." -- Fr. Piotr Krezalek, LC

Our Vision is to contribute to the Culture of Life by nurturing communities where each person is valued, the solidarity of the human family and the wisdom of age are celebrated, and the compassionate love of Christ is shared with all.

...looking to give the Gospel a modern voice.

The Poor Clare dedicates herself to a life of prayer and penance. By a strange irony, worldly pleasures quickly turn to ashes and leave only sorrow and frustration in the heart, but sacrifice spreads a perfume of joy in the soul and over the world.

The love of Christ urges us on.

"It is not enough to love the young; they must know that they are loved." -- Don Bosco

"… An ardent desire to be united to God and to serve the poor…" -- Catherine McAuley

Making known God's goodness.

Become a Bridge Builder.

“We shall dedicate ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word” --Acts 6:4