To participate on Zoom: Register here. (at least one hour prior to mass)
To view as LiveStream on YouTube. (If there are any technical difficulties, the recording will be posted on YouTube later in the day).
Worship Aids
Information about in-person Masses and registration links may be found at the Mission Church's website.
Catholic & Christian Resources
During this time we know that your ability to contribute financially may be greatly limited. If you would like to participate in stewardship, please consider one of the following opportunities:
Student Emergency Assistance Fund
Bronco Food Pantry (see notes on how to donate)
Staff and Faculty Special Assistance Fund
For further reflection...
Rosie Shawver, a graduate of SCU's Jesuit School of Theology ('06), is the board chairwoman of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association. She wrote this blog post about her own personal challenges with distance from the Eucharist during this pandemic, a struggle felt the world over. Though her reflection is directed for the students she serves at the University of Southern California Catholic Caruso Center, we hope it speaks to anyone experiencing this same hardship.