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Empathy for All Stakeholders

Written by Linsey Krolik

March 26, 2023       

     In the BEACH clinic, we encourage students to take a position of empathy. This means taking the time to make a connection with our entrepreneurial clients, so we can help them get to where they want to go. But building connections goes beyond clients. After all, no one person has “The” Answer. I’ve seen time and time again over the course of my career as a business person and lawyer that better outcomes result from having a diverse and cross-functional team working on problems. And working well together means having empathy for all stakeholders. 

So, how do we build connections with clients, colleagues, students - the wider world? 

    Mainly by being an insanely curious person. Being curious allows us to get very familiar with other people - their goals, their dreams, their challenges, their perspectives. By asking not only about facts, but deeper questions (even a simple why?), we have the power to convert an otherwise routine conversation into a transformative experience. 

    Here are a few ideas I’ve found helpful in building connections with teammates, mentors, clients - really anyone -  so that I can move from a good solution to a great one.

  • Having what I call “curiosity conversations” - outside of when something is needed, I try to spend time with people I’m working with to just learn about what they are up to, what they are studying, what they do in their spare time, what their family and life is like, and what keeps them up at night. 
  • Being in person - I have found building connections to be easier when physically together and ideally on the same side of a table or taking a walk together (rather than sitting on opposite sides of a table). 
  • Translating lingo, legalese, and industry terms - we all have language that people from our disciplines don’t understand. Finding common, plain words can bring down barriers and make sure we are all talking about the same thing.

    The best professionals are those who can build genuine connections across all stakeholders. Be curious about everyone you meet to bring forth your greatest value!

Professor Linsey Krolik '00 is a senior clinical fellow in the Entrepreneurs’ Law Clinic where she helps oversee law students as they advise entrepreneurs. She is also director of the interdisciplinary Bronco Entrepreneurs Advisory Clinic Hours (BEACH), where she trains volunteer attorneys and students to counsel clients seeking legal advice for startups. She is an assistant director in the Tech Edge JD program, an experiential certificate program for law students interested in working in technology law. Professor Krolik has been an attorney advising companies of all stages – from startups to medium to large global companies – for over twenty years.