Lesson Plans for high school and middle school include language arts, history, and science.
Curricula in the language arts, social studies, and science tie content with character education. Both free and subscription-based lesson plans are available for middle and high school students.
Character Education Lesson Plans Available by Subscription
Character Based Literacy combines language arts with character education and is mapped to the English Language Arts Common Core.
View our Sample Lesson Plans.
CBL Leadership is organized around the themes of World History and U.S. History, and is mapped to the Common Core in English Language Arts.
Independent study provides weekly lesson plans for independent study, rural, small school, and home schooling settings.
For all subscription inquiries, please email Carmina Mendoza chmendoza@scu.edu.
What is Character Education?
This video covers the goals of character education, and how the Character-Based Literacy program can be used to foster the affective, cognitive, and behavior aspects of character development.
Free Character Education Curricula
Science curricula integrate ethical questions into lesson plans for biology, human science, and Earth science, and are mapped to California State Standards for High School.
History lesson plans explore U.S. and world history through the lens of values, and map to the California State Social Studies Standards.