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Conference Photos

Poster session in the lobby of SCDI
Poster session in the lobby of SCDI
Group outside SCDI


Group inside SCDI
Group inside SCDI
Group photo outdoors, SCU Campus


Students standing by their poster
A student stands by his poster
An SCU student stands next to her poster


Two SCU students stand next to their poster
An SCU student explains his poster to other students
Two students stand next to their poster


A student stands by his poster
Five students stand next to their poster
Students and faculty stand next to their poster


Three students stand next to their poster
A student stands by his poster
A student stands by her poster


Students standing by their poster
A student describes her research to two observers
A student stands by her poster


A student stands by her poster
A student stands by her poster
A mentor and student stand by their poster


A student explains her research to attendees
A student describes her research to attendees
A student stands by her poster


Two students stand by their poster
A student explains his research to another student
Keynote speaker Dr. Andra Swei