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Department ofReligious Studies

Women’s Spirituality and Transgender Rights in the U.S. Wicca Community

Michelle Mueller book chapter

Michelle Mueller published a chapter in the new volume, Female Leaders in New Religious Movements (2017), edited by Inga Bårdsen Tøllefsen and Christian Giudice. Dr. Mueller's chapter is titled, "The Chalice and the Rainbow: Conflicts Between Women's Spirituality and Transgender Rights in US Wicca in the 2010s." After evaluating several case studies, Mueller concludes that unaddressed changes in popular definitions for gender play a significant role in heated conflicts amongst today's Wiccan/Pagan community. The volume as a whole examines the category of gender and female leadership from diverse theoretical and methodological standpoints. The volume is the tenth book in Palgrave Macmillan's Palgrave Studies in New Religions and Alternative Spiritualities Series.