Welcome Brianne Jacobs

Brianne Jacobs, Ph.D. comes to Santa Clara University after living in New York City for many years, where she earned graduate degrees from Fordham University and Union Theological Seminary. Jacobs is interested in Catholic Theology and Feminist Ethics, in particular how constructions of the body and gender identity influence the Catholic Church. She is passionate about asking how we can use the rich Catholic intellectual tradition to promote gender flourishing, both in society and in Roman Catholic settings. She has used her expertise in Catholic Social Teaching to write articles on Sexual Harassment and Democratic Socialism for America Magazine. (She was very excited that congress-woman elect Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted out the second article with a quote!).
Forthcoming, Jacobs is publishing an article using Catholic Social Teaching to examine the place of bodies in the worldview of Big Tech, as well as a book entitled Holy Body that addresses the moral, spiritual, and existential crisis in the Catholic Church as it faces the ways it values bodies and addresses sexual violence.
Jacobs is thrilled to be at SCU, enjoying the sunny weather and the even brighter students in her Graduate, Catholic Feminism, and Catholic Theology courses. She lives in Santa Clara and is frequently at Pizza My Heart with her spouse and two young kids. Feel free to say hi if you see her!