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Department ofReligious Studies

UC Davis Conference

Paul Kenniston (‘17, left) and Grace Zimmerman (‘18, fourth from right at the table) at the Sites of Religious Practice Conference.

In May 2017 two Religious Studies majors, Paul Kenniston '17 and Grace Zimmerman '18 attended the “Sites of Religious Practice: An Undergraduate Research Conference” at the University of California, Davis. This was the first of what will hopefully be an annual conference for original research presentations by California Religious Studies majors. The conference was hosted by the Department of Religious Studies at UC Davis.

Both Grace and Paul presented papers on research they began while studying abroad with the Carleton-Antioch Buddhist Studies Program in Bodhgaya, India, and which they have been developing for their Capstone essay for their Religious Studies major. Grace’s paper was entitled “The Help and the Harm: An examination of the trafficking prevention efforts of DhammaMoli – Saving the Young Girls in contrast with NGO efforts in the Kathmandu Valley.” Paul’s paper was entitled “An Observation of the Prevalence of Romantic Love in Buddhism in Sikkim.” Dr. David Gray also attended this conference, and gave a faculty response to one of the panels.