RS and Other Campus Depts. Sponsor Bystander Intervention Training in Response to Hate Incidences

On Monday, April 16, the Religious Studies Department and several other groups on campus co-sponsored a Bystander Intervention Training, facilitated by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The event ran from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Nobili Dining Room. Diana Gibson was the organizer and contact person.
The purpose of this workshop was to prepare individuals with the tools and practice to be able to respond to hate incidences due to religion, ethnicity, sexuality or any other factors. There were at least 49 participants and two hours full of learning, role playing and gaining tools to help the group feel more capable, aware and empowered.
Each group contributed to help make this happen - from financial contributions, logistical preparation, food, venue and honorarium arrangements, to publicity and recruitment of participants.

In addition to the RS department, co-sponsors included ASG (Associated Student Government), Campus Ministry, Center for Student Involvement, Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education, Multicultural Center, Muslim Student Association, Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Multicultural Learning, Office of Student Life, Rainbow Resource Center, SCCAP (Santa Clara Community Action Program), Sikh Student Association, and UNITY.