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Department ofReligious Studies

RS Alumni Update: Jonathan Homrighausen ‘15

Illuminating Justice by Jonathan Homrighausen

Illuminating Justice by Jonathan Homrighausen

After finishing my MA in Biblical Studies at the Graduate Theological Union this spring, this fall I'm headed to Duke University to begin a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. I hope to work on the Song of Songs and visual art, building on my work on The Saint John's Bible which has culminated in my book due out this summer: Illuminating Justice: The Ethical Imagination of The Saint John's Bible (Liturgical Press). Michelle Runyon, my wife and fellow SCU alum ('17), will start her MA in Library Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. As always, I am grateful to SCU's religious studies faculty for showing the way—especially SCTR faculty Kitty Murphy and David Pleins.

- Jonathan Homrighausen ‘15