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Department ofReligious Studies

GPPM Graduation Event

 In October 2021, GPPM’s big event was the in-person graduation weekend for the 2020 and 2021 graduates who had been prevented from holding graduation due to the pandemic. Students came from all over the state with family and friends.  For some, it was their first time on campus.

The weekend of activities opened with an informal reception on Friday night.  Saturday included a service project with Loaves & Fishes, followed by a graduation ceremony and dinner. Sunday closed the weekend with brunch and alumni presentation, and a closing eucharistic liturgy.  

The photos below capture a few highlights from the weekend. Profiles of the individual graduates are available on the GPPM website.

people getting food from buffet line

speaker at podium in front of small graduation ceremony

inside mission

grads and parents posing for photo from table

all the grads lined up for picture with audience waving in back